
Could i take part-time courses at my local college even though I'm 16?

by  |  earlier

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I want to take biology for a-levels,but I'm scared i mite be too late to fill out an application form as i only found out that i need to have a biology a-level to continue on with psychology fro uni. i also didn't took double science for my gcse and they say i would need it, but i only have 3 c's for my science exams that i've done when i was in year 10 and 11 they were all out of 34/34, 32/34, 31/34 and i'm still waiting for the last result and i don't know if i could go on to a part time college with that sort of results even if i didn't took double science . please help me




  1. burppppppppppppppp. excuse me

    ask the college:)

  2. yes course you can but you wont b able to get ema

  3. Who told you that you needed biology for psychology in uni?

    I looked at some psychology degrees on UCAS, and most didn't want anything of the sort. As long as you had maths and english at GCSE and enough ucas points, they weren't generally fussy about subjects, although they preferred Psychology, Sociology, and subjects like that, social sciences as opposed to sciences like biology. Are you sure you have your information right?

  4. Talk to your school counselor, because they will most likely have to authorize it. Also, be careful about which classes you take, because some of them won't transfer over to the college you want to go to. Go to the website of the university you want to eventually attend, and make sure the courses will transfer from the community college.

  5. You probably could as a "special student." Contact the college's student services for more information. Many colleges also offer courses entirely online, which makes keeping your grades up at both campuses (the college and your high school) easier.

  6. You need to talk to your High School Counselor and to the Admissions Officer at the College you are interested in.  xox

  7. GCSE results come out this week, there are People on standby at your local college to help people who haven't got the grades they wanted or haven't applied to college.

    I am sure you won't be too late to apply, I applied a week before to do my A Levels as I wasn't predicted good enough grades to go on and do A-levels and it worked out fine.

    I did Biology A-level from CC at double award science, I got a B at A-level.

    Get on the phone tomorrow morning or go to the college and get the ball rolling, I am sure you won't be turned away plus you'll get some advice as well regarding the Biology A-level issue.

    Good Luck  

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