
Could i use the laurel wreath of the famous ONU logo for my logo ?

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I need to do a logo for a company and i want to know if the laurel wreath from all UN organisation, can be use according to you according the copyright and trademark laws ?

for example :

Thank you !




  1. don't hold me to it, but i believe in order to not get in trouble with copyright laws and such the orignal had to be altered by a minimum of 20 percent. wikipedia probably has info on copyright infringement...

  2. The New World Order will take anyone they can get...

  3. As far as I know, anything having to do with government is fair game, including images of politicians, which the governator found out. You just can't use them to impersonate an agency you're not part of.

  4. Change the design and make a different logo so that you will not be charged for making a similar logo which is exclusively for the use of the UN.

  5. The laurel wreath is an ancient symbol of victory and achievement.  Do an image search and you will find over 26,000 different laurel wreath images, all quite similar - the UN does not "own" that component of their logo.  However, if you work other similar design elements into your logo, you are getting on shakier ground - best to modify the designs so that there is no confusion and no future problems.

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