
Could i wear contacts again??

by  |  earlier

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hi um well i over used contacts, my eyes were reallly red and i think they r now sensible so that if i stay in the computer for to long they will turn red, i tried various eye drops but there is no change... im not sure if this is called having sensible eyes

i want to wear contacts again its been monthsense i havent used some... but i want to know if i can its to expensive to buy contacts and find out i can i also dont have the money for the dr to chek them

thank you




  1. I think you mean sensitive rather than sensible,  You probably can wear contacts again.  I suggest that you lower the amount of time that you wear them and see if your eyes can handle it.  You can start by wearing them about two hours a day and gradually work your way up to something that is comfortable for you.  Also when you have the money to see the doctor you  probably should.

    I usually wear my contacts when I go out and my eyeglasses as need when I am at home when needed.  I do not need them for near work such as using the computer, but they are helpful when watching TV or playing video games.

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