
Could i win my son's legal custody if i have a history of domestic violence?

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Could i win my son's legal custody if i have a history of domestic violence?




  1. Fat chance.  You will probably get visitation...maybe supervised visitation.  I really depends on what you did and what the judge thinks.

  2. Not very likely I would say.  Courts always look out for what they believe is in the best interest of the children.  If you have a history of domestic violence it would not look that good to the judge.

  3. No way.  The best you could hope for is visitation and maybe even supervised.

  4. since domestic violence is a serious crime..visitation is in order

  5. Is this violence on any police reports? and did you go to court for domestic violence? If you did or do have this on record the courts would have made an order for treatment and or diversion classes. Diversion classes are that classes to help you in your anger causing domestic violence. When you take the class just a note in your file stating that the class was taken and the charges were diverted.This is only for the first offense. You said history more than one. Then the diverted charges become formal charges again. Also that diversion becomes a part of your formal record. With recorded history of domestic you will need counseling documents stating that you are under control of your anger. How long your treatment was and all the good efforts that you made. Custody just is who the child is with. When you say legal you might mean the right to make decisions on your child's behalf. Joint custody gives both parents that right and you can share the living arrangements. Sole custody is only the parent that has the child makes the decisions,and no shared living. This is not visitation. All courts will do what's best for the child. Your chances are slim but you do have a chance. Anger management classes and counseling are your best bet for getting custody back. A long with a track record of no violence.  

  6. doubtful

  7. Um... doubtful.  If you are a repeat customer to your local JAIL for ANGER ISSUES... you have a better chance at hitting the lottery!  No pun intended..

  8. First, let me give you a brief run-down of custody terms:

    Physical Custody = Who the child lives with

    Legal Custody = Who is able to make decisions regarding the child [[ie: healthcare, education, etc.]]

    Parents may share physical and legal custody jointly, or parents may be awarded sole or primary individually.

    Joint = Both parent's share equally

    Sole = One parent only

    Primary = One parent significantly more so than the other

    One parent my have both physical and legal custody, while the other parent only has legal custody. Many other combinations exist as you can imagine.

    I honestly think sole anything will be out of the question. It can almost be guarenteed that the opposing party will highlight this history, which will be viewed by the judge in a less-than-favorable light, as the judge is looking out for the best interests of the child. You may be able to get joint legal custody at best, and a visitation schedule [[possibly supervized]].

    I hope you have legal representation

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