About 9 months ago I tested positive 4 hpv and the doctor said the irregular cells are going away and there is no need to worry. I understand that u have to ask ur dr for a HIV test but when they did the hpv test he asked would I have liked for him to test 4 HIV. I haven't had any kinda sickness is yrs, not even a common cold. I don't really like to take medicines not even ibuprofen unless I have a headache. I don't have any rashes, or losing weight, or diarrhea, or anything of that nature but I understand that symptoms don't always show. I donate blood pretty regularly and they haven't said anything to me and I assume they check. The reason I'm worried is because I watched a movie and read an article on cnn on the risk that it is among african americans. That was really scary. Being that AIDS is the leading cause of death of african american women between the ages of 25-34. Just because u get HPV doesn't mean u have HIV right? And if the precancerous cells are going away on their own without treatment means that my immune system is healthy right?