
Could it be WE (and George Bush) are not responsible for global warming?

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Volcanos have been discovered under the Artic believed to have erupted violently in the past decade. I haven't heard anyone mention that maybe it could cause some of the melting of Artic ice. Anyone?




  1. When glaciers melt evidence is exposed showing that there were warmer periods in our past obviously proving that some melting and re-freezing is a normal cycle we go through!

  2. Note to Dana1981 Master of Science:

    The link from leads the user to IPCC propaganda.  One small example follows:

    It claims that one of the reasons why it's impossible that the sun is responsible for global warming is that the upper atmosphere is cooling, while if global warming was due to the sun, it should be warming all layers of the atmosphere.

    This is very misleading.  If you critically analyse each statement, you would have noticed that the statement is basically false.  Since you are a MSc, then consider that the added heat corresponds to:

    ΔQ = mcΔT , and therefore ΔT= ΔQ /mc,

    where m is the mass being heated, ΔT is the temperature change.

    There are many variables at play here (to account for the final equilibrium temperature), but if we would only consider these variables, it is obvious that less heating energy is delivered to the upper atmosphere because the density of air is far less!  Denser matter transfers heat better!  i.e. the same amount of heat energy delivered increases the temperature more (as the lower atmosphere does).

    c, the specific heat of air, also is dependent on density! is praying on the readers scientific gullibility!

    So for the question:  YES, it coud be that humans are not responsible for the very small increase in temperature, a very small cycle of recovery from the last ice age!  

    The inquiring person should ask him/herself what the role of water vapor in the atmosphere plays, and what is the percent of CO2 in the atmosphere (very large, and very small respectively)

  3. YES it is a natural process!!!

    After the dinosaurs earth went through a stage of dangerous greenhouse levels and global warming, it was only after this quietend down that mammles started to evolve

    In the meantime it was covered by lush rainforsts  with lakes with high levels of sulphar and carbon dioxide

    then we had an ice age about 80000 years ago and ended another 40000years ago

    Scientists say that so called global warming is just the big heata up beore another ice age

    we still should watch our emissions thoughj, because its damaging to your health, pollution and things like that


  4. everyones responsible for global warming can't just blame it on other people, the only thing we need to do now is try and reduce the effects

  5. They could have caused the melt but then again the melting of the Arctic ice has happened before. In 1905 and again in 1940.

    Wow G.W. wasn't responsible for something that the media says is bad? Hmmmm not sure. LOL

  6. Interesting!

    It is a fact that human activity causes methane and carbon dioxide to be emitted.

    It is also a fact that those gasses contribute to global warming.

    I think the unknown is, do they cause 75% of global warming, or 0.0001%?  I don't think anybody knows that.

  7. Recently I heard about a report that said that the ice has expanded, and there is more tonnage of ice at this time a year than there was a year ago at this time. Some speculation is going around that he north pole may lose all its ice for a brief period of time. I’ll be willing to take the odds on that one.

    Scientists have been talking only about the recent history of global warming, which bothers me. I am sure that this happens cyclically due to the sun’s output.

  8. The earth is in a cooling period, a lack of solar flares. Check out the NASA web site for information on solar activity.  We as humans have very little affect on the planet except with pollution. We are doing better, than we use to.

    Global warming is a fraud, where the goal is to take money from developed countries & give to underdeveloped countries & their dictators.

  9. wow. u seem to understand the way of thinking that most people should. I LIKE YOU!

    if u think that global warming is c**p and needs to have something done about it,

  10. Global warming has been going on since at least 1900, with a significant increase after 1976. Volcanoes don't explain that timeline. CO2 does.

  11. Sure, global warming could be caused by something we don't understand, just like it could be that there are aliens at Area 51.  It's just extremely unlikely.

    And even if volcanoes were responsible for melting the Arctic ice (which they're not), that wouldn't mean humans haven't caused the planet to warm.

    Please see the link below for a summary of how we know humans are causing global warming.

  12. could be,

    but u can't deny we careless humans have done a lot of harm to ou enviroment

  13. Hmmm...well...I thing global warming is the biggest scam in political history.  The ice up north, surprisingly, isn't melting any more than it has in the past.  Open and closed sea areas vary from year to year.  There may be more notice taken of things like glacier calving now by the lefty groups.

    There are undersea volcanoes, which is one way that islands are created.  Are there some in the Arctic Ocean and do they make a difference?  It's possible I guess.  Let's put the alarmists in a bathesphere and send them down to find out.

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