
Could it be a WHOLE HOUSE FAN?

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.I have central heating & cool air. There is a switch for fan, I am wondering if that is the same thing as a whole house fan or are they different?





  1. I kind of don't understand the question, but anyway I believe it's different. Meaning it doesn't run like central air does and runs just like a fan would. The reason I also say that is because most people don't have the fan option.

    I'm sorry if this doesn't answer your question.

  2. They would be different. First let's look at the fan switch, most thermostats have this option, some call it FAN, others ON/AUTO. Normally when your A/C unit turns on, the unit fan comes on to blow air over the heat exchanger and blowing the hot or cool air out of the vents into your house. With the system in Fan mode, the fan stays on and the heating/cooling unit turns on and off independantly. This works well if, say you are cooking Thanksgiving dinner and the kitchen is hot, the fan will continue to circulate the air throughout the house drawing cooler air from the other rooms into the system and redistributing it keeping a more even temp throughout the house, it will cool the kitchen without freezing out everyone else in the other rooms, and it also helps save $$$.

    A whole house fan is usually found in the ceiling of a hallway or a centrally located utility room, they work by drawing the air from the house and blowing it outside thus creating a negitive pressure in the house. You then can open any or all windows in the house and it will draw fresh air into the house through the open windows. These normaly work best in the spring, fall, or areas with milder climates, again saving $$$.

  3. if you mean the setting on the thermastat box that says fann,, it is only the fan in the central unit!!  all central units have this,,, you can circulate air without using the heat or airconditioner!!   they so the same as a whole house fan on a smaller scale,,, whole house fans are very large fans in the attic and move a large amount of air!!!

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