
Could it be a spirit or a coincidince?

by Guest31823  |  earlier

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Hi, this is going to sound really weird but i think that i have something messing with me in a bad way. A few weeks ago I was in the yard with my husband just standing still when all of a sudden a cross necklace that I wear all the time just up and broke. I thought at this time that something just pulled on it and it broke, no big deal. I know this is going to sound really crazy but i feel like i have been choking, almost like hands are around my neck. There have been weird things that have happened in my house as of lately, but here's the thing. My cross necklace that I have been wearing was ripped off my neck. And i say this hopeing that you dont think i am crazy. My necklace was pulled parellel to my chin and YANKED off my neck and landed on my bed. There have been occasions where it feels like something is trying to get on my bed. I have felt the bed move as if someone was getting on the bed with no one there. I know that this is going to sound strange to you coming out of the blue, but do you have any idea what to do? I mean I have never heard of anything like this happening to anyone I know and I'm all alone on this. If you have any suggestions please let me know.





  1. your best option is to get it blessed aka cleansed, it sounds like a demon or aka a daemon is messing with you, find a priest and get it done asap, dont let it slip your mind and dont put it off, i say this because there are alot of stories of ppl who seem to just abotu to go ask the priest for a blessing on hteir house and seem to "forget" and then they find themselves in a more stickier situation

  2. Contact an Orthodox priest and ask him to bless your house.

    I did this after moving into a an old house and had some similar things happen to me.   After the blessing the entire atmosphere in the house changed and became more peaceful.  

    I had a cross above my door that repeatedly "fell" off the wall.  After the blessing it stopped.

    I was not all that religious before this.  I guess I'm still not all that religious, but I go to church once a month now where the priest was from that blessed the house.

  3. Perhaps the necklace was too tight.  Perhaps it snagged on clothing.

    Have you felt the bed move when you're on the verge of sleep?  If so this may contribute to your sensation of movement.

    Or you could perpetuate superstition by having an arbitrary ritual performed by a representative of whatever supernatural belief system to which you prescribe.

  4. Hi!  I am a paranormal investigator.  Things like this do happen, no need to be embarrassed!  If I were you, I would research my property records and find out the history of the land you live on. Often times understanding what may have once happened on the land will help you cope with what is going on.  If the idea of having a haunting scares you, tell the spirit to leave.  Surround your house with salt (walk around the house with a can of regular salt leaving an unbroken chain) and say a prayer asking for God's love and protective white light to surround you and yours.  You can also smudge the house (use sage).  Go into each room of the house and on the property grounds and say a blessing as you do it.  Hope this helps!

  5. If you are really feeling like you have been choking there may be  a physical cause for it, go to your doctor ad get your neck and throat checked before you decide that it has a supernatural cause.

  6. being a paranormal investigator, I would find a priest also and have him send that spirit on its way !!!

  7. They are demons.They attack me before when I was half a sleep and once when I was awake.I heard allot of ple mention being bothered by them or seeing them.Even these things can happen to a man of God.The devil is there to harm God's children and put them in fear.It doesn't matter where the location is when being attack by the demon.

    Your prayer is enough to drive them away.Like saying I rebuke you devil in the name of Jesus or ''God didn't give me a spirit of fear but of love ,peace and a sound of mind''(got this from the bible.I forgot where).

    When the things happen to me I would read the bible out loud in the middle of the night and watch preaching in the day(I was to afraid to go to bed.It also happen when I just close my eyes before I fell a sleep)

    ps: Tarot cards,wigi boards,and other occult things.Can invite them in too.

  8. yes, my grandfather is an orthodox priest, and the blessings always work. nothing is as mighty as God. He will tell the spirit to go away. and normally i would say it is an angel, but since it yanked your cross off, i would say it is the work of the devils angels. please, i want you to ask for an ORTHODOX priest. he will bless your house. and pray to God and ask for his forgiveness and help. but remember that God already knows what you will pray for before you pray for it. so he knows you would like the spirit to be gone, but you still must ask him. "He who asks will be given" . i hope this helps. i am fifteen years old.

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