
Could it be an ectopic pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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TTC baby #2 i was 11 days late and tested a million times with negatives now i got my period and have the worst cramps and back pains that don't go away. i've taken midol,motrin,advil and they don't go away. could it be an ectopic ?




  1. my sister had the worst cramps in the world too and found out she had an ectopic pregnancy she went to the doctors and if she would have waited any longer her tubes would have burst and she could have died so if i were you i would get it checked out right away

  2. I'm pretty sure ectopic pregnancies will still give you a positive test.  if you've been really worried about whether or not you're pregnant, it could mess with your cycle.  it's probably just really bad pms.  but if you keep having pain for a couple days definitely call your doctor to see what they say.

    *edit*  never mind,  you won't always get a positive.  found a link with ectopic pregnancy symptoms though.

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