A few months ago this woman my family and I knew had abandoned her house. I had always hated going into that house. It seemed like the minute i stepped through the door, my chest tightened and I wouldn't be able to breathe easy until I got outside. I'd get this really horrible, malicious feeling in the pit of my stomache..Like someone didn't want me there. She had told my mother that she'd hear objects rattle, things move and even said her chair had levitated. Come to find out a while later, the woman who lived there got into all sorts of stuff I believe she shouldn't have. She'd try to put curses on people, hurt them with black magick. She'd been doing it for years, I found out.
I haven't been in that house for almost a year now. The feeling I get is enough to make me shake, but I want to find out if there's something in the house.
Anyway, I'm just curious to what everyones opinion is..Do you think there could be paranormal activity going on inside the house?