
Could it be just a headache?

by  |  earlier

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I was okay this morning, but this afternoon ive been getting these sharp pains in my head every 5 minutes or so. it only lasts for about a second or two but its quite a pronounced sharp pain. i don't recall hitting it so just wondering what it could be. just an unusual headache maybe?




  1. too little to tell. check with your doctor properly

  2. Well maybe take an advil if that dousnt work go to the doctors. Your probubly fine but you should go just in case! I remeber a while ago in 2 second grade my teacher had sharp pains and she had to have surgery so to be safe you should go :)

  3. Sounds like something similar to what i had 2 years ago.

    Mine lasted for a week and then it just disappeared when i went on holiday.

    Take some ibroprofen or paracetamol and see what happens. If it doesnt clear up in less than 3 days go to your doctor.  

  4. caffeine may be your problem. If you drink tea or coffee regularly and then suddenly stop, it may result in a sharp pained headache near the back of your head

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