
Could it be labour?please answer!..?

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I am 36+2 with my first and in the last couple of days(mainly today) ive been getting ALOT more BH than usual and some are quite painful, ive just noticed in the last couple of hours that i look like im carrying alot lower like i can fit my whole hands in between the bottom of my ribs and where i can feel the baby so i think the babys dropped even lower(shes been engaged for about 3 weeks)and ive noticed my discharge has a green colour to it but its not thick and gluggy or anything...but i only see this when ive been wearing a liner for a while so that could be the reason)but could this be my plug?and is there anyway to tell wether youve lost it or not?...

and i feel like im coming down with the flu or head just feels stuffy and i feel like doing nothing!

my waters have not broken though sometimes i feel like im leaking(sorry tmi)but thats how i can explain it-but i havent had a gush or anything and it could just be discharge..could anyone feel that their waters were about to break?

so my question is from what youve read do you think its possible i could go into labour before my due date?..pls dont tell me about the regular contractions or anything..i just want to know if anyone has experienced these things before they went into labour?? thanks alot to anyone who answers!!!!!




  1. Sounds like perhaps early labor to me. Your plug can be green, clear, pink, brown....Usually think though. An increase in discharge is normal as labor gets near. YOur water will probably not break until labor is well under way. Feeling sick may be your body's way of telling you to slow down and conserve your energy.

    **ETA**Labor is not always painful, especially in the beginning. Sometimes Never truely painful. With my third I was not in any real pain until a few minutes before she actually came.

  2. go to your OBGYN, they will check you.... but believe me when its labor, you'll know.

  3. good question... i have had the same symptoms the past day and i'm 35 weeks...high risk for pre term.   i have a doc appointment today so we will see what he says and i will get back to you!

  4. You had several questions, so I'll try to go at it one at a time.

    It is possible that you are losing part of your plug.  Some women notice the loss of the mucus plug, others don't.  Some women don't lose it until they go into labor, or not at all.  Others may lose it multiple times.  That wouldn't be what I would be concerned about though.  Green discharge is never normal.  You should seek medical attention regarding that at the next available appointment you can get with your health care provider.

    The fact that you feel you may be leaking amniotic fluid (also known as your "waters") is plenty of cause for a trip to a doctor as soon as you can.  If this is what's making things green, that's really not a good thing and you should get seen even sooner.  Green amniotic fluid can indicate fetal distress among other things.  There isn't always a gush when your water break, so if you are in doubt get it checked out.  It is far too important to just guess and ignore.

    I personally never experienced what you are going through.  Based on what you wrote though, I think it is entirely possible for you to have something going on.  Whatever is going on could very easily lead to an early labor.

    Please go seek professional medical advice as soon as possible.  If you don't want to go in just this moment, at least call and talk to a nurse or doctor on the phone.

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