
Could it be paranormal activity or just negative energy in my dorm room?

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Since I was 9 years old, I have been a huge fan of anything paranormal. Recently, I've been experiencing some strange things when I am alone in my room...usually around 2 or 3 am, but not always. I have 2 closets and I have closed one of them and here this little persistent tapping noise. In the other one, I swear that I've seen a pair of little glowing eyes pop up and down out of a moving box I have stored. And one other thing is that I have yogurt in an open faced cabinet and one flew out at me in such a way that it would seem that it was thrown. These things have been occuring since January and are nothing like what I've experienced in other situations. Any help or ideas would be great.




  1. Do you suppose the fact that you're a "fan of the paranormal" might have something to do with the fact you're eager to find instances of the "paranormal" wherever possible?

  2. little glowing eyes?falling yogurt? tapping sounds?dude,there are RATS or mice in ur room!!

  3. Well, first, "negative energy" is a mythical term used by spiritualists and so forth, but it really doesn't have an actual physical meaning.

    My response is why not investigate? First, the tapping can be just the creaking of the closet door against drafts. You wouldn't hear this during the day with all the background sounds happening, but at night you might. Lean something heavy against the door and see if the tapping continues. Or, it could be a mouse.

    The "glowing eyes" sound like a reflection to me. Next time you see them, get up and move towards them and see if you can block the reflection. If you can, there's your answer. I'd also look into the possibility of mice.

    Regarding the yogurt -- did you actually see the yogurt flying through the air?  I suspect you didn't, but you probably did see it sliding or rolling across the floor. If an oblique objects falls on the floor it's probably going to scoot some distance just from the energy of the fall. I'd again suspect a mouse might be at work here, causing it to fall off the shelf.

    So, those are some ideas to get you started. Investigation is fun and satisfying especially when you find answers, and I strongly encourage you to do this. Not only for this instance, but throughout life as well :)

    EDIT: Thanks for the extra information. You saw it fall, but not "fly out at you?" There is nothing paranormal about something falling off a shelf. Try this calculation, since you've taken physics. Take the height of the fall and divide it by the coefficient of sliding friction. That will be the total distance the yogurt could travel horizontally across the floor assuming sliding friction all the way and an elastic collision (for ease of calculation). You'll find that it can be a lot farther than you may suspect. For coefficient of friction, a starting estimate of around 0.50 for a bare floor is probably reasonable. If your yogurt was originally 4 feet up, having the yogurt scoot across the room by 8 feet is not outside the realm of possibility, especially if part of that distance is due to rolling.

  4. It really does sound like you've got a mouse..or a rat. Just don't get one of those glue traps...they're so cruel. Your yogurt probably attracted it. Try to keep your food in a box or fridge.

  5. Yes, I agree that this is a rodent.  I have had this, and they cause all kinds of noises, etc.

    I like to use the snap type traps baited with peanut butter, etc.  They have some now that you can set safely and put peanuts in a little tray.

    These should solve your problems.

    I lot of the noises, etc. on all of the ghosthunter type shows are sounds made by animals such as rats, raccoons, etc.  Of course they are not going to tell you that.  Ha.

    You could also call an exterminator, but you can probably take care of it yourself.

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