I last had intercourse on June 30th, but I have no idea when I ovulated. I have been reading that the process from conception to implantion can take anywhere from 6-15days but according to my dates, I should have had a BFN already.
I was waiting for AF by July 7th, 8th, or 9th.... but got nothing until late evening July 24th I started spotting very lightly, mainly only when I wiped, I thought AF was starting but it was just a drop or two on pantyliner and then by July 28th in the morning it was gone.
If I ovulated a little later this month and sperm can live up to 3-7days in the right enviroment of course... is there anyway the spotting I had could be implantation??
(This would put me at about 2 1/2 weeks since intercourse and possible conception?)