
Could it be possible that I could develop diabetes? ?

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I'm a bit worried about what might be happening. My father believes that I may be beginning to show signs of possible diabetes, because my grandfather has diabetes [so I suppose it's a higher possibility?].

Only half of my right thumb goes numb, and I believe it's because of the way I right. I tend to grip the pencil tightly with my pencil resting on my third finger and my thumb resting on my index finger. The numbing usually goes away about half hour to 1 hour after I take a shower. I usually write for about 2 to 3 hours every day. This numbness has occured daily not to long ago [starting ony August 16 to 17th]. I want to make sure that this is nothing a serious as my father makes it to be.

Is this something to be worried about or is it just because of my writing habits?

Thanks in advance.




  1. Numbness in fingers from diabetes is normally after having diabetes, and bad blood glucose levels for a long time, so it's unlikely that numb fingers and thumbs would be your first symptom. But, it doesn't hurt (well, technically it can, but not much) to get tested.

  2. don't eat so much junk food  

  3. whats your age. The numbness doesn't seem to be a symptom of diabetes but if you are interested you can check your fasting blood sugar. May be you should reduce your writing  

  4. The numbness is due to the pencil.  

    If you were showing signs of Diabetes you would be very thirsty all the time and pass lots of urine.  You would also lose alot of weightin a very short space of time, feel ill when you eat.  Could experience dizzy spells, irritability and mood swings too.  But the last two can also be attributed to puberty.

    The simple answer though is no you are not showing any symptom of diabetes with that numb thumb.  Daddy dearest is wrong.  

  5. I don't think that has anything to do with diabetes if that is the only sign you are having. Don't worry.

  6. If you were showing signs of diabetes, they would be a little more concrete than numb fingers

    If you are really worried, look out for being excessively thirsty (wanting to drink pints of water), urinating a lot too, blurry vision and dry mouth.

    I presume you are still a teenager. Developing diabetes at your age would be described as type 1 diabetes, and would come on really quickly.

    Type 1 diabetes does not come on as a result of poor eating habits. It is something that would always have happened, if your genes predispose you to it.

    Your grandfather may have type 2 diabetes, which occurs later in life, usually after a life of not the healthiest eating (but not always, sometimes it is just genetic).

  7. It really sounds like it is how you grip the pencil. Ask your doctor about it the next time you have a physical, or ask your school nurse. Maybe they can show you a better way to hold your pencil.

    Top signs of diabetes:

    Frequent urination

    Excessive thirst

    Extreme hunger

    Unusual weight loss

    Increased fatigue


    Blurry vision

  8. That has absolutely NOTHING to due with diabetes

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