
Could it be real or am I going crazy =S?

by  |  earlier

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I went to bed last night and I haven't been sleeping very well lately so as I was lying in bed I had a song stuck in my head and a question from the song kept playing over and over in my head [I can't remember what it was now] and then suddenly I heard a woman's voice saying "yeh" into my left ear and I got such a fright, there was nobody else in the room with me so I just let it pass and then a few minutes later in my right ear I could hear the noises of glass breaking - but the noises where not like they were external it was more like they were coming from inside my head, I heard another couple of things throughout the night and when I finally did get to sleep I woke up because I ended up having a really weird, freaky dream!

I'm almost twenty and I have never heard anything like that before, although I remember a couple of times when I was in bed and I saw things like once I seen a woman standing in my room, I don't think that my room is haunted i think it's my mind but I really don't know anymore~!




  1. You could be getting schizophrenia. Talk to a doctor.

  2. pray.

  3. The voice thing has happened to me before, scared the p**p out of me, I dont really have an answer for you, but I thought you may be reassured you were not the only one!

  4. who knows, anythings possible. just try to forget about it now though, it could have just been your mind playing tricks on you

  5. it could be you were just deprived of sleep and it had a weird effect.

    me personally I'm a spiritualist so i wouldn't rule out the supernatural, i would look in to it a bit before i rule it out as hocus pocus, but be aware there is a lot of bull s**t out there.

    i personally just wouldn't worry about it coz it sounds quite harmless  

  6. your schizophrenic and so are you

  7. hi,we all get these things when we are really tired,it can be a loud noise or you may see something so vivid you think it's real,it's when you're drifting off to sleep and your brain is shutting down and getting ready to dream,sometimes it just happens before we go to sleep,i don't think you have anything to worry about,it happens to me and i think it's perfectly if anyone tries to scare you by telling you different..don't listen ; )

  8. As this only has happened once, I really wouldn't worry about this.

    The fact that you have been having disrupted sleep is almost deffinatley the reason, for the next few mights try to get to bed a bit earlier than normal, have a warm drink and possibly read a book to calm yourself down. Try to get a good 8 hours of sleep a night, don't worry about what happened to you and I'm sure it will all be fine

  9. dont worry, youre not going crazy, its just your mind

    think about this

    when witnesses to a crime are asked to describe the colour of clothes of suspects, they often get the colours wrong

    in other words, what your mind 'sees' is not always what is real

    like i say, dont worry, its nothing to worry about

  10. You are not "crazy"--please don't use that word, we don't have put down words or phrases for other illnesses.

    Google, "hypnagogic hallucination," you should get the info you need. They are very common and can be visual, auditory or a sensation. They often happen when we are sleep deprived, depressed or for no reason at all.

  11. it was me  

  12. Nothin to worry about unless it happens everyday. Sometimes if you hear alot of things repeatedly in the day ur brain may repeat those things subconsciously when it begins a slow down. for example if i play a computer game for hours when i try to sleep i keep hearing the noises of that game and also some random sounds with it lol i wouldnt take it seriously unless its often. being under 20 its unlikely its anythin to do with mental health. how much sleep have you had recently?? sleep deprivation can lead to these things also.

  13. no, this is normal. Just as you are falling asleep and you start to dream while it feels like you are still awake, you can hear all kinds of things. it's just some neurons firing in your brain. You are probably just really tired.  

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