
Could it be that all these 'paranormal' abilities...?

by  |  earlier

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(levitation, telekinesis, whatever else people keep asking in this section) come as an accessory to something else (the Buddhist illumination, shamanistic rebirth, asceticism in Christianity but not only) and trying to develop 'the accessory', the effect only, without the found, the cause, is a wrong attempt?

Again, I'm not talking about religions, but the 'spiritualistic' perspective one can have without being affiliated to a specific doctrine.

Mind over matter, spirit above flesh... stuff like these?




  1. I have this feeling that your questions,answers and observations have a purpose.What it is I don't know. I suspect,you don't know yourself.That"all things are possible"mantra.That's misplaced when dealing with superpowers and you know it.Paranormal abilities,whales,spiritualistic perspective.Are you sure you're not Paranermals new age alter-ego?

  2. Well, I'll only make the obvious point that there is only any point in explaining something if there is evidence for its existence in the first place.

    If someone tells me I'm being followed by a 4-dimensional 2-headed zebra, I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain it, unless the person who told me of this interesting fact can provide some evidence.

    P.S.  Yes, several animals use echo-location.  The relevance of this to your question (about levitation and telekinesis) is ...?


  3.'s called God (as in: The All Source/Universal Consciousness) and lives in our Pinneal Gland. Once the gland is developed it allows one to achieve paranormal states of existence (such remote viewing, telepathy, psychic abilities, levitation,etc.).

    Seriously, look up it's function in wiki. Religious mumbogumbo are all metaphors for physical things.

  4. I think that you can say that people who are too involved in the world will not experience these things (lacking spiritual) but being spiritual doesn't always bring it on.  One must be open to it, yes.

  5. i dont really understand your question.. could u pls explain it in a slightly less confusing way?

  6. Our mind (consciousness) is blinded by the most sensuous things in this materialistic world. It (the mind) can be made free of all these activities once you come out of these  experiences. Sit and forget yourself for fifteen minutes and concentrate on yourself, you will experience the bliss and much more. If you cointinue concentration the experience will make you feel the presence of God.  Try once.

    I am speaking from experience!

  7. Don't know if I understand the question but I am aware that Newton did not discover gravity he discovered the law of gravity, somethings do not adhere to this law, hydrogen, therefore hydrogen would appear paranormal as it would not obey the law of gravity. There are various laws that are not adhered to and when we do not understand the mechanism involved we usually name it paranormal but if our mind opens then, like flight, mathematical genius' proved that man could not fly, until someone had faith to prove this law obsolete, understanding this, the mind opened further and now sixty year later we put a man on the moon. Columbus thought we could get east by sailing west, he was told he would fall off the edge of the world. Having done this and discovering that the world was round our minds again opened. Hope that this is of some help. My mother told me that the wing span and body weight of a bumble bee is so out of correlation that it should not be able to fly, unfortunately no one has told the humble bumble bee this. Sorry this has veered off in a tangent although hope it helps.

  8. Well, if you're going to take the big logical (or illogical as the case may be) leap of believing in psychic levitation, PK, etc., then it seems like a much smaller leap to connect them in some arbitrary way to Buddhism or other religious experiences. So I say sure, why not. If you're going to believe in these things, go all out. Just don't forget to ask yourself what evidence you have to justify your beliefs.

  9. If you, I and everyone else belonged to a profound religion called BLA (example..) and in that faith everyone truly believed i could fly. Maybe ill jump off a building and see?

    The problem with your question is that no one will live long enough to test multiple faiths (the Buddhist illumination, shamanistic rebirth, asceticism in Christianity but not only) if they can produce a result.

    We are simplyy too frail a species to live long enough to aquire "gifts" of faith and belief that seem amazing to others.

    Hope that helped.

  10. I can see dead people.

  11. it depends on what you believe? Do we pray to the same person and we call that person by a different name? We do all have these paranormal abilities, to help this along is to meditate,

  12. One doesn't make the other real (or necessarily possible).  More often, a supernatural belief set will make you alter your beliefs regarding other things as well.  They are interdependent.

  13. If this were the case, then buddhists would be able to demonstrate levitation. Im not talking about the guys who bounce around on mats. Thats not levitation.

    The assuption your making is that buddhists, shamans, etc. have paranormal abilities. The evidence that these religious people have these abilities does not exist outside of myths and rumors. If you can find a buddhist that can fly, then you will have your evidence.

    Also, I am completely baffeled about the whale thing......Even before sound was understood people could hear things. Sound is in no way paranormal, its a very well documented and understood thing.

    Levitation and telekinesis on the other hand have never been demonstrated to exist except by illusionists and con-artists.

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