
Could it be that hillary clinton is showing signs of mental instability?

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It seems Hillary Clinton has multiple personalities not ideal for a leader is it? One minute she is civil the next she is ranting and raving. I think people will see through her fake shows.




  1. Uhm yeah...most if not all women go through that--it's called menopause. :)

  2. I'm Canadian.

  3. thats all women 4 ya! you'll relize that...

  4. You ask if Hillary is showing signs of mental instability.

    I, frankly, do not know if being a sociopath is a sign of mental instability.

    It's probably something which should be investigated after she is out of public life next week.

  5. she has always shown signs since her days of paranoia and the vast right wing conspiracy against her in the 1990's

  6. Isnt that what all the condidates do, rave and pretend that they are better than the other condidates. Doesnt Really matter if she does, if she wins she wins.

  7. I'm not her biggest fan, but she should get a break on this. There's a lot of stress involved and everyone handles it differently. On the flip side, running a Country carries a lot more stress and if she can't contain herself now, what would she do in a National crisis.

  8. You just now noticing? I think the proper diagnoses would megalomania.

  9. Ug!  I can't stand that woman.  My first thought was..."and you are just now noticing.."

    Please God don't let that woman win the election...Texas!  "Just say NO"!  On the democratic ticket, there is only one way to go and that's Obama!

    I am a republican, however.

  10. a woman

  11. I think she is trying to hold in the tigress in her. I bet she would be really passionate in her speeches but she has been told to hold it in. Sometimes it slips out but she keeps trying to hold it in.

  12. I do not think she is a fit candidate for the presidency but "Crazy", I don't think so.

  13. she is having a hard time dealing with the pressure the realization that a lifelong dream and plan is not going to happen for her.

  14. No.

  15. If this is the first time you've noticed this, then let me suggest that you get prepared to notice more, very soon.

  16. You should see her in a black church...No wonder she got on Saturday Night Live. The Clintons are thespians

  17. i think your a biost idot working for the obama campain. hillary clinton dose not have mental issues. she would make a fine leader.

  18. IS? I spent my career as a criminal investigator and law enforcement officer where we were trained to recognize truth and lies and to interpret body language indicating when a person is telling the truth. Watching clips from Hillary's campaigns would provide excellent training for officers in detecting when a person is fabricating information, being truthful and when they are just flat lying.

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