
Could it be the begining of OCD or is it normal?

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i've always been very tidy, but now i find myself cleaning things that are already clean and not being able to leave a room without checking everythings were it should be.

I get really stressed out if people make a mess or disturbe me when im cleaning.

Is this normal?




  1. sounds like ocd. I have it and it sucks at times. however, i am not a clean person at all. I have to go back and check doors and see if they are locked.  

  2. OCD tends to occur in childhood, and gets better with age, though it is possible to develop it in later life.

    OCD can be treated with therapy, and you should consult a doctor.  

  3. first define " normal"  then stop worrying about whats " normal "

    if you feel that things are getting out of control and your need to clean is interfereing with your life or peace of mind then yes its probly time to take steps to curtail it before things get too out of control.

    identifying a problem is the first step to resolving it, youve took that step already so congrats.

    as mentioned before distracting yourself may or may not work for you.

    talking to a dr or therapist can also help.

    try and identify with in yourself when it is that the urge to over clean occurs at its most strongest... ie... is it when you are unhappy? or only when stressfull situations happens? or only when others are around?

    and try and not let your worry over this overwhelm you as it will just make things worse..

    look on the bright side you have a great career ahead of you in the domestic field if all else fails ;-)

    good luck

    and p.s feel free to come over and clean for me ;-)

  4. It'll eventually go. Like when i was a kid i needed to repeat sentences to a number...

  5. We are all different and develop strange habits that make us feel better.

    I would only be concerned if this interferes with doing other things.

    It sounds that this has started to worry you so go and speak to a professional about it just to make you feel better.

    Good luck, I am sure that you will get the right help if you need it.

  6. Knowing or recognising that there could be a problem here is a big help.

    There are 'normal' reactions to mess or untidiness but it seems that you've gone slightly beyond this. You can stop it escalating further by making a conscious effort to break the cycle.

    First, you need a distraction. Find another focus. Also, address the problems in your life (if you have any) Don't keep things bottled up as this will enhance your behaviour.

    You can first try to make a conscious effort one day to leave a room & actually go out of the house leaving things just as they are. It'll be a massive step but it'll be the first step to change. If you can't manage to do that then try sitting in the room with one or two things in the wrong place. Or try not cleaning for one day (this will be difficult but if you have another focus you could be able to acheive this)

    It's maybe not a major problem in your life right now but it could escalate into more extreme behaviour if you don't address it.

    There is nothing wrong with being tidy/clean btw. This isn't the issue here, it's the obsessiveness with tidiness/cleanness that is

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