
Could it be the revolution of the earth that creates an impact to a tsunami ? Beside ground collisions ?

by  |  earlier

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How does natural disaster come about ? Was it a punishment from God ? Does God exist ? If God does exist, why would he allow such disaster to happen ? Does it mean those life's that were being taken away are sinners and not forgivable ? Does being a human with a higher intuitive level sees things in different dimensions just like how the earth and other planets were formed . From the core of the earth to the surface which enable human beings , animals , trees and other living things to be produce in different shape and sizes . Let's not talk about Jesus Christ , Buddha or other Saints . Because if there is God , It should only be one and not categorize into various kind of religion to be worship . Oh yes : ) Lots of cells working for these questions .. Thanks : ) I will post Part 2 of these topics after receiving some replys . Have A Good Day Ahead : ) Cheers




  1. "How does natural disaster come about ?

    As your question says... naturally.  Through the actions of nature.  God set up the rules that govern nature when he created the world.  They have been acting naturally since the creation.

    "Does it mean those life's that were being taken away are sinners and not forgivable ? "

    It should be the opposite -  they go to heaven (or the other place).  Their trials are done.  There is no assumed sin in their leaving this existence for the next existence.

    "Could it be the revolution of the earth that creates an impact to a tsunami ? Beside ground collisions ?"

    It appears to be only ground conditions.

  2. I believe that there is no god, in fact, I have extensively studied religion and science and I choose to focus on the scientific facts! Of course this post along with my answer will probably be cause for much debate but we are all entitled to our own beliefs and I can respect that.

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