
Could it be true that in the US, and in some other countries too, they are preparing a fantastic , deep?

by Guest57990  |  earlier

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underground Modern Noah´s Ark System for a chosen few, with the aid of Extra-terrestrial technology, should a massive World disaster occur?




  1. The combined efforts of the americans british french russian chinese japanese germans (sorry if i left anyone out) couldnt organise a pi55 up in a brewery

  2. Hmmm if its a Govt sponsored venture the construction will go to the most competitive bidder... This means they will be running over budget 3 weeks before finishing the roof... so seal it off with a few layers of constructional ply, cheap roofing felt and mastic.

    ... it will leak within 3 weeks!

  3. I received an email recently about a govt bunker in Norway/Sweden in preparation for a future disaster  that our respective govts aren't mentioning.

    Who knows for sure. There have been predictions for the past 30 years or more about serious earth changes: earthquakes. (one that splits the earth), Japan and American sinking into the sea. Planet 'X", showing up and causing havoc.

    Read: 'The Mystery of the Crystal Skull' by Morton and Thomas. Element pub.

              "Alternative 3" (written as fiction)

    The more people continue to pollute the earth and US sicientists and military experiment with forces and technologies they know little about, (HAARP), the more the earth is endangered.

       ET's are said to be willing to help us, if we, as a global humanity ask for help. Various govts are said to be working with more 'negative' aliens to further their own short term objectives. ie: power and wealth.

  4. Humans amaze me more and more every day. I wouldn't put it past them. I'm sure there are LOTS of things in this world..on this  earth ..that we don't have a clue about!

  5. No but I have heard they store seeds and such in case of disaster or extinction.

  6. Absolutely. Nothing surprises me anymore. I don't know what the other people on this forum are talking about; if a person chooses to believe in radical far fetched ideas that is his own business. As long as one does not get angry/vengeful because of said crazy ideas, what the h**l.

    I think that it's totally possible. I'm not sure if it's underground, and it's not likely that it uses Extraterrestrial technology (although, as I said before, totally possible), but I do believe that the government probably does (and SHOULD) have a backup plan should we humans, oh, I don't know, accidentally detonate one of the hundreds of atomic bombs we have just sitting around. This is the first generation of humans that could actually end the entire world if they chose to. Scary, isn't it? In fact we have enough nuclear power to blow up Earth 4 times.

    To make a long story short, yes, it could be true.

    Cool theory!

  7. There's the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in the Arctic, built to safely store every kind of usable seed they can find, for hundreds or in some cases thousands of years. No alien technology involved though, just basic engineering.

  8. You've been reading "Ron L. Hubbard" haven't you? Geeze. Extra Terrestrial Technology? Are you serious? You have to be "Joking" no-one could possibly be so, Well, No-One could believe that.

  9. Have you seen Deep Impact?

    It's the same (albeit without E.T. technology).

  10. YES IT'S TRUE, bomb  shelters deep inside

    mountains in COLORADO AND OTHER STATES. THEY ARE STOCKED WITH YEARS OF SUPPLIES.only select people will be let in,The rich can't buy a way in,as money won.t

    be worth anything.Now space ships search for a planet that can become AMERICA .2

  11. I doubt it, but when I was a teen, many many decades ago, there was a comic book series about that. I can't remember the name of it, but there was some dude with most of his body replaced by robotic parts and a girl who could make illusions.

    If it was real, they would never make a comic book about it. Too many geeks would believe it. Look at all the people who want super powers like the x-men.

  12. Is it possible?  Yes.  Is it probable?  No.

    Lacking any evidence or reason to support this fantastical idea I will continue going about my life as if such a place does not exist.

  13. I believe it to be very possible. Think deeply about this for a second. In AVP they showed a pyramid found underground with carvings from all other ancient findings. Same as the pyramids found on Mars. Other movies seem to have little hidden truths in them as well, such as Resident Evil: Extinction. There all the governments of the world are somehow connected and survive underground. I would suggest a David Icke film or book for you to check out. He goes into detail about this amongst other things. Hope it helps.

  14. SUE!

    it WAS a secret!

    now, everyone will want a ride...

    tee hee hee


  15. The "fantastic bit is?"

  16. It could quite easily be true.

    But equally...

  17. Well it was partially true during the cold war so why not now? For example the basement of the Greenbriar Hotel was used as "secret" place for the U.S. government to continue operating in the event of a nuclear war with the Soviets. The U.S. claims since that threat is over no such new location is needed. Do you believe them?

    Why not underground NORAD (link below) is based in a mountain with several feet of rock and reinforced steel to protect it. So, the mountain complex already exist although it's not that secret.  There are probably other locations.

    I don't think extra-terrestrial technology has ever been required for this idea to be true. If aliens are helping the U.S. (or any world government) there appears to be no strong evidence for their involvement.


  18. There are already enough people in government installations underground to further the population. Key personnel would most likely be found and airlifted to safety before the event.

    Well, Nasa say that January 29th Tu24 asteroid is going to miss us - and we believe them. But I still think it's strange it's not even been hinted at in the newspapers tv or anything? 3 months ago it was 50/50 to impact on Austrailia.

    The real question should be do we believe governments would tell us the truth whatever?

    What is the point in having shelters if there will be no warning? As it stands at the moment, all civilian communications would be terminated, and the frequencies used for military use. We would be the last to know because the ones in charge do not want to be caught up in a huge  traffic jam and diverting resources to prevent looting.

    Just watch out if they start bulk buying body bags.

  19. Ease up on the cough medicine mate!!

  20. i doubt it, the us is a bit incompetent with anything. in fact all governments are

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