
Could it have been god or my spirit guide talking to me in my dream?

by  |  earlier

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My dreams are just not dreams . A good quantity of them manifest in real life and they bring warnings to me. In this particular case i had a dream about a hand with a long white robe hanging from it and it was pointing at me and talking to me in a very deep and masculine voice telling me that everytime i shall feel pain , i shall imagine a white ball of light forming in my head and that with every breath that i take the ball will increase in size and in healing powers , then when the ball gets powerful enough , i would visualize little pieces of this light coming down to the place where it hurts , taking the pain away! so i woke up and around 11:00am a sharp pain embraced my ovaries ! it was time for my period to come again so , i started looking for the usual advil i take and i couldn't find it anywhere. i was getting desperate , as the pain was increasing , and then i remembered the dream. As i felt with no more alternatives i tried what i saw in the dream! I did everything the being in the dream told me , and as soon as visualized a little ball of light going into my ovaries and all around , surprisingly THE PAIN DISSAPEARED THE SAME INSTANT I IMAGINED THE LIGHT TOUCHING THIS PART OF MY BODY! Needless to say from that day , my relationship with the divine has gotten stronger ! what do you think of this?




  1. What do I think? I think you're delusional.

  2. OK start painting!

  3. LOVE your avatar!! Be careful with this pain healing technique. Remember..pain is a sign to us that something is wrong with our body. It can be a GOOD thing. Once you identify what's wrong..then you can do the healing thing. Hopefully have  the Gift of Healing..where the problem is healed...not only the pain. But..ALWAYS check with a dr...even if you ..or the other person ..believes you are healed. It might just be that the pain went away and not the problem. Thanks for sharing. I'll bet there are a lot of women out there reading this who will try it during the next month.

  4. I don't think there is anything paranormal here.  You gave the two possibilities of it being god or your spirit guide, but there are more possibilities. Perhaps your dream was just a dream? I'm no expert on female health, but from what I understand from my wife menstrual cramps do come and go.

    I'm curious about your dreams becoming reality as well. Certainly if we dream about our lives, family, friends and circumstances, there is some chance that what we dream will have something in common with what may happen later in real life. I think you have chosen to interpret your dreams in a mystical way and if so you're looking for these common elements more so than a person normally would. So my answer is that you're just having dreams like anybody else would.

  5. Great! Does it matter who or what was guiding you? You seem to have found a way to control your pain without formal medicine. Keep using it and try to develop this valuable talent.

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