
Could it possible for Brown Dwarf to loss its mass overtime, and become Jupiter-like planet?

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Could it possible for Brown Dwarf to loss its mass overtime, and become Jupiter-like planet?




  1. well a brown dwarf sizes between a low-mass star, and an object of 80 jupiter masses. so if it did loose its mass, down to the size of a jupiter sized planet, it wouldn't be considered a brown dwarf anymore.

    is it POSSIBLE? i'm not sure. the entire idea of "brown dwarfs" is still in its infancy. we've only catched a glimpse at these planets and we don't know a lot about them. we know that they have a lot of lithium... but we don't know that much relative to what there is to know. i don't see HOW it would loose its mass besides being burned up by a star. so if its close enough to its local star, then maybe it would start loosing mass. actually, now that i think about it, if it was in a binary star system, then maybe that would happen.

  2. "Because of their low mass, their central temperature is not high enough to maintain thermonuclear fusion reactions over a long time."

    "a brown dwarf spends its lifetime getting colder and colder after its formation."

    but it doesn't talk about mass

  3. I can't think of any way it would lose mass unless it was a close binary.  Then I figure it would keep losing mass and become a kind of degenerate gas giant or just the naked core.

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