
Could it that because I dont wear contacts for astimatism that my normal contatcs feel all dry and kinda hurt?

by  |  earlier

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Yea i have Myopia and astigmatism yea i have tried eye drops to and switched to atleast 10 brands of contacts{including acuvu oasis] (not for astigmatism)




  1. Have you tried proclear contact lenses?  They are approved for dry eye and what I personally wear.  How long were you on restasis?  It typically takes months before the effects are noticed.  And I do not know the type of dry eye you suffer from but if part of the problem is from the oil layer of your tear film, you may try warm clothes on your eyelids to help make sure the oil glands aren't clogged and try taking a fish oil supplement (good for your entire body).  

    And not wearing toric lenses for your astigmatism should not be affecting the comfort of your eyes.

  2. I'm also myopic and have a high degree of astigmatism.  I've never worn contacts for astigmatism since regular contacts correct it just fine (and cost less).  If you're having problems with dryness you either have dry eyes (don't produce enough natural tears), or your contacts need to be replaced.  By the way, there is a prescription eyedrop for people who have severe dry eyes.

  3. Have your tried wearing dailies? Um try getting a trail pair of contacts for a astigmatism contacts. They are a lot dryer then a regular contact. The Acuvu Oasys are the best contacts to wear when you eyes are dry. Um, I would have to say wear dailies, mayeb you eyes are not giving enought tear drops

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