
Could it work?

by Guest45119  |  earlier

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I have an idea for a teleporter. Its relatively simple in idea but, lol, there's a few things that i can't figure as they're beyond me. Ok, if i've done my research, and correct me if i'm wrong, light is both a particle and a wave. If its a particle then it has mass and is made up of matter. I had the thought to transport objects as a highly concentrated beam of light(a laser basically). My problem though is how do i change one objects form of matter into light. Like fire, when you burn a piece of wood you get heat, light and carbon(along with a few chemicals but they don't represent much). So i need another chemical reaction with the main by product being light only. Then i need to figure a way to rebuild the object once its been beamed to its destination. I think i could make a sort of map of how to put it back together in the way the particles are arranged in the light beam maybe. But i would use satellites to bounce the beam off of to get it where it needs to go.




  1. There is a reaction that produces just light: matter-antimatter annihilation.  So that part of your idea would work if you could get a perfect antimatter copy of the person being teleported (however, that would not be possible).  There is a second, more important issue with your idea.  The amount of light energy created would be enormous.  Very very enormous.  For someone my size, it would be 7.29*10^18 J.  Thats approximately 35 millions times more energy than what was released by the largest ever exploded thermonuclear bomb or 100 billion times the power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.  So there is no way you could control that amount of energy and you would likely destroy the earth in the process.  The only reason I'm not concerned for my safety is I know there's no way you could convert an entire human to light.  So, your idea certainly is valid and makes sense, but it just isn't practicle or possible.

  2. So far, no actual reaction is known that produces light and no chemical products. Light is not made up of matter, but of photons. The idea behind a photon is that it is a short section of a wave, i.e. it is a particle of a wave. A photon has a rest mass of zero, which is unusual in elementary particles, but it means that photons cannot be matter.

    Also, when you're saying the chemicals produced by fire don't represent much, they actually represent the whole reaction! A pure combustion produces CO2 and H2O, and they are not inconsequential.

    The idea sounds good, but the physics and chemistry are flawed. However, I believe physicists have succeeded in teleporting a subatomic particle. How, I'm not sure.
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