
Could labour be comming? (TMI)?

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for the last few days i have been feeling nauseas, lost my plug (with no show), and have been having more frequent soft bm's. i am very crampy by my pubic bone and man is he heavy down there! i am 36w4d so i hope he waits a couple more day and if i get worried i will call my dr. i was just curious to others experiences. also, i have been having somewhat painful bh contractions but not consistent and not alot but i didnt even have any until last week.




  1. It does not sound like you will carry full term.  I would pack your bags if i would be you and buy newborn size pampers not size 1.

    Good luck

  2. I didnt have any braxton hicks contractiosn but man did I feel tons of pressure down in my pelvis area! I hurt so bad! I had a maternity belt and that helped alot. Took alot of the pressure off of my pelvis!

    But I had the bad bad pelvic pressure for the last 2 months!!

  3. I experienced a lot of cramping (like period pains) for about 2 weeks before my daughter came.  I woke up frequently thinking I was in labor and then it would stop.  On the morning she was born, I woke up with these same pains at 3am, and she was born at 5am!!!!

    So if this is the case, be prepared and bags packed....

    All the best!!!

  4. At 36 weeks I lost my entire mucous plug.  I had my appointment the next day, and I was 3cm 60% effaced and at +2 station.  He was literally right there.  They told me to expect to go any minute, I stayed that way for another two weeks until I had to be induced.  

    The mucous plug does grow back.  But tell your doctor at your next appointment that you lost it and he/she will check you for dialation and effacement.  The sore pubic bone is from the baby dropping and getting into the birth canal.  Expect to get sore inner thighs, sore lower back, sore  hips, some time soon.  Losing the plug really is no indication of labor being near or not.  So have your bags packed just incase.  It really just sounds like the baby slowly getting into position and getting ready.  It could still be days or weeks.  

  5. i think it will be comming so just be perpared

  6. I agree with anna. Be prepared. And Congratulation's early! I can't wait to get closer to my due date! I'm 25-weeks...with my second child. Take care and rest as much as possible, you'll need it!

  7. Ive had six kids myself and it can get confusing at times.However,in my experience,babies arrive on time MOST of the time.I went to my doctor with the same issue.He said the baby engages the head in the last few weeks or pregnancy,and the unpleasantness I was experiencing was normal and called the Braxton hicks contractions.He then said, trust me,whe u r in labor, u will know because thats when the real pain sets in. Three days b4 the baby was due,I got really crappy,& didnt want 2 talk 2 anyone & the pelvic area swole up so much.I knew then it really was ready time.Baby was born right on due date.Talk to your Doc & he should b able 2 put your mind at rest a little sweetie.You will do just fine!

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