
Could love at first sight be a biochemical imbalance in the brain?

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What about infatuation?

Is there evidence to support that these changes in the brain break relationships?

Should brains be synchronized at the same wavelength before it can be called 'love'?

Are we really programmed like the computers we create?

If so, does it make you question what really makes a human/man/woman-equality?




  1. You have an imprint of your care taker while you were a baby.  It could be you mother, grand mother, father, neighbor, baby sitter anybody.

    whenever you see a person similar to that you will develop an intense liking.  Many men marry who looks and behave like their mom.  Many women go for "dad-look a likes"

  2. I'm not at all sure there's a difference between "love at first sight" and infatuation, but I don't see how something so common could be considered abnormal. Foolish, perhaps, and enjoyable while it lasts, but not abnormal. I'm sure somebody would be willing to waste some time and money on a study of the neurotransmitters under those circumstances, but I'd contend that normalcy isn't a treatable illness.

  3. Some people are born geniuses; fortunate enough to have the capacity create great ideas and contribute in this world during their lifetime. You have that same potential. You don’t need be an Einstein or a Mozart to realize your potential. You just have to be able to maximize your intellectual potential....

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