
Could marijuana actually help someone eat healthy?

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I know how important it is to have fruits and veggies and my diet, and though I've been trying several healthy foods over the past month, I still have a hard time choking down fruits and veggies.

In controlled moderation, could marijuana help me to eat said fruits and veggies?

(I know marijuana has just as much toxins as tobacco smoke and is bad for you, blah blah blah. But everything is bad for you nowadays, right down to too much water or sunlight.)




  1. Marijuana gives you the munchies. If you have fruits and veggies on hand, you might reach for them and the high will make you more tolerant of the taste... but more than likely you'll care less about what you're eating and reach for a bag of chips. Either way it makes you more likely to overeat.

  2. ******* IMPORTANT NOTE **** ---> It is highly dependent on the strain (not THC content, the STRAIN) of marijuana you're smoking. If you get schwag, you're much more prone to "the munchies" and it's harder to control. Again though, there are many strains, and you can get the munchies on schwag and hydro. Find a dealer that can always get the strain you want. Good luck, and don't get arrested...

    Look, it is VERY simple. Yes, it can, and no, it can't. Marijuana alters your state of mind, but it is up to you to control it in the way you wish. Marijuana, personally, helped me tremendously to restore a healthy appetite.

    By the way, if you don't like the taste of your fruits and veggies, buy organic, and you'll o****m through it. (Organic apples are my favorite so far)

    Once you eat vegetables and fruits (in lieu of HFCS or pure sugar) long enough your taste buds will adapt and start to enjoy it much more. You'll love the change, and the extra minerals your body gets gives you energy.

    BTW, marijuana doesn't cause cancer. Tobacco can suck marijuana's you know what.

    Again though, it may not be the vegetables/fruits, it may just be the quality of them. Nowadays things are manufactured cheaply, not with quality. Today it takes 50 cans of spinach to get the same amount of iron it took for 1 can in the 1950's. Try that one up for size.

    Buy organic...

  3. Marijuana is dangerous for us. Don't you ever try it.

  4. Yes, it can give you quite the appetite.  It was helpful for my friend who was nauseous from chemo therapy.  Although, pot also taxes the immune system, which was not good for him, as the chemo did plenty of that already.  Still though, he wouldn't have been able to eat much if it wasn't for the pot.

    Anyhow, the more you eat the veggies, the more you'll develop a taste for them.  You might not need the pot.  Also, I don't think the pot will help you enjoy the veggies that much more, so it could end up being useless for you.

  5. yes, it helps open ur apettite

  6. It all depends on how it affects you. If feel hungry enough to eat veggies then that's great. Smoking pot actually isn't as bad as tobacco because most people don't smoke it nearly as often as tobacco. If you squeeze your nose when you eat your veggies you won't taste anything. It works great for asparagus. ( Just don't smoke too much weed, it can make you stupid)  

  7. Well, marijuana does increase your appetite, but i find i tend to eat more junk food when I'm high, just because it's easier, but weed does also make food seem to taste better, so foods you might normally not like will be amazing. I.e. I don't really like blackberries very much (food, not the phone), i find them too sour.  But I put some on top of a bowl of cherrios and it was like a flavor explosion.

    Really what it comes down to is self control.  A lot of times the munchies are very picky.  If you crave Taco Bell, no amount of Pita Bread will quell that desire.

    Protein shakes and smothies are great as well.  It fills you up and cures drymouth.  I'd go in that direction if you want to be healthier.  Just remember, self control

  8. I would say that it would only help in the way that people need to eat more often than just 3 meals a day and smoking marijuana gives you the "munchies" very often to make you want to snack. The bad part is that most people that smoke marijuana don't eat fruits and veggies when they munch, they eat junk food. So overall, I would say that it wouldn't help unless you think about fruits and veggies when you want to snack.

  9. yes, millions of people use it for that purpose.  

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