
Could mars be like an extinct earth?

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like what if they once had life like on earth, and then it all became extinct like what will one day happen to earth. just a thought, whats everyone think?




  1. can only be deemed a thought...not until we can have humans go there and explore Mars, will we ever know for sure if Mars once sustained life, and in what form, etc.

  2. I think you need to get some sleep.  Your question doesn't make a lot of sense.

  3. No.

  4. I really don't see why not.......the only major reason we can't live on Mars is because there is not enough atmosphere........this doesn't mean there wasn't an atmosphere at some point in time.  I read a strange theory once that this is actually where ancient people got their myths about giants, titans, ect...........some believe humans were a product of civilizations that once lived on mars.  This might be a little bit far fetched......but most scientists agree that mars could be just like earth under the right conditions, and these conditions are not improbable.  I'm fairly certain that at some point Mars has sustained some sort of life.

  5. Some say "No..." But if We keep burning up the Fossil Fuels like there's no Tomorrow, there won't BE a "Tomorrow"- & Earth could end up looking like Mars! So YOU  judge the "difference..."  :(

  6. Mars never had Earth like life forms simple microbes at best. Mars lost its magnetic field and solar wind blew away its atmosphere reducing its pressure and temperature so that liquid water couldn't exist on its surface and life couldn't exist

  7. Actually, the common theory is that during Mars' cool down trend, it passed through a temperature range where liquid water existed and a denser atmosphere was possible. It is likely that life would have developed given these conditions. Mars did not stay temperate because it is to far from the sun to have a high enough heat absorption factor to maintain an Earth-like temperature range.

  8. scientist think that it could have once been like earth. there is evedence that it once had water and that would have sustained life. green plants grow with water and release chemicals in the air that formed our atmosphere and ozone layer. it wouldnt be far fetched to think it was once like us.

    or even that if we could teraform it that we couldnt bring it back to life.

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