
Could my 20month old know????

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husband and i are starting to think that our 20month old son is acting out so bad because he knows his little brother/sister is on there way?? and im only 6weeks!!??? what do you think?? is it that he knows and or that its the terriable twos kickin in????





  1. I think your son is not used to the idea of another baby in the house. maybe you should get a doll and show him how to hold  a baby and see how he reacts to that. When the baby arrives it will be different just make sure to give them equal attention. You will be tired because of the new born but your son will still be expecting the same amount of attention. Best of Luck  

  2. My daughter recently started acting out as well and she is about the same age.  She is almost 21 months old now.  She is so awful we thought the same thing but we are 20 weeks now!  I was nervous and called our ped.  He said "she is at the age where they become more demanding in every way and push every limit just to find the boundaries"  I guess that means "terrible Two's!!!"  lol


  3. The terrible two's don't start at the age of two.  Our terrible two's started at about 18-20months.  You need to be firm with him and discipline him consistantly, especially with another one on the way!!

  4. Terrible 2s are kicking in but, if he has bent over and looked between his legs, then he knows another baby is coming behind him.It's an old wives tale but in my families case it has always come true.

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