
Could my Best Friend be Crazy?? She talks about Wizards and witches and c**p tHen she just dissapers??HELP?

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My friend swears she knows and seen a real wizard. I dont do ghosts and stuff so of course I dont believe her. But could she be telling the truth?? She said he pulled out his wand and started picking c**p up..She never used to do this kinda stuff then 3 days ago she went missing..She left a note in my room that looked really ancient that said she went off to school in another deminsion and stuff and that I could join her if I could come if I go to this really old creek at the end of town like at midnight in 5 days WTF!!! Seriously is she pshycho or should I just go to check it out??? REMEMBER SHE JUST STARTED TO BELIEVE THIS LIKE A WEEK AGO.. is he telling the truth should I go to the lake??Help me!




  1. its probably a prank or bad timing. don't worry so much.

  2. take an adult with you. and bring protection :) your friend might need a little help :(

  3. well, that's a tad ****** up...

    you should go, and bring a friend.

    Even if it's a prank.

    because even if it isn't you should go before she does something stupid.

    Go for her well-being.

  4. If I were you I would go to make sure she is ok, but make sure to take another friend even if it is just a prank you need to make sure she is ok just in case that guy try to hurt her.

  5. Try it and see.

  6. Wow...this is kind of creepy. Go, but bring some kind of weapon just in case she's trying to pull something over you. And bring a few friends, about 3, also.

  7. Tell an adult where you are going, and then go with a cell phone, but only if you want to. It sounds like a prank, but if it isn't, your friend should get help.

  8. If she was truly your friend, you wouldn't be calling her psycho like this.  You obviously don't care for her much if you're willing to publicly announce her "mental issues."  She obviously trusts you very much to invite you to come to another dimension with her.  I would only grant that honor to my closest of friends.  What harm is there in going there to check it out?  If she was truly your friend (which, as I said, she doesn't seem to be), she wouldn't put you in danger.

  9. yea..................don't go dude

  10. I think you should go, atleast for your friends sake. You need to do that for her. Plus, you never know. be sure when you do go, bring your cell phone and possibly some pepper spray, or a weapon of some sort(even though that sounds a little sketchy..). But yeah, you should go. tell me about what happens if you want,, cause i know alot of people that practice wicca and stuff, interesting. oh, im not weirdo either, im a highschool girl!

  11. If You go to the creek ur probaly gunna be pranked bring a friend and see what happens most likely its a prank and not that much i dont think shes crazy ...

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