
Could my RSI be rheumatoid arthritis?

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im a 25 year old woman and today when I went to the chiropractor for my back i asked him about my hands and arms. My right arm aches, feels dead, especially shoulder. I get shooting pains up my wrist when i chop vegies/squeeze oranges etc, my knuckles ache and feel hot when im typing. My knuckles on left hand also ache a bit. He felt my hands, got me to move my wrists etc and said the tendons didnt seem inflammed so its not tennis elbow or RSI and that maybe it could be rheumatoid arthritis... i have since realised that i also have bad circulation and have self-diagnosed myself with Raynauds (a gp also said i had it but it was just a comment not a diagnosis) which can indicate something else like RA... does this sound like RA to people? I thnik im going to get a blood test.




  1. It is possible that RSI could be Rheumatoid Arthritis. My friend thought she has RSI but was diagnoised with Arthritis. Go to the doctor and she should help you with the correct diagnosis.

    Good Luck

  2. You need some blood tests that will give your doctor some indicators of whether or not you are suffering from RA or another autoimmune disorder. Once the blood panel comes back, if it comes back normal, have them send you to a rheumatologist for more thorough testing and have them rule out fibromyalgia also. Good luck.

  3. It could be.

    You should act fast. RA can't be cured, it can only be slowed down. So the faster you get treatment the better.

    Better be safe than sorry.

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