
Could my baby come before her due date?

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I'm 36 weeks pregnant and have been having braxton hicks contractions through out the day for over a week. I'm only 1 cm dialated but have been having really bad pains in my sides and lower back.




  1. yes

  2. yes have you not heard of premature babies??

  3. yup sure can

  4. depending on how much it worsens throughout the week it is possible that she may come before her due date.

  5. Its very possible... every pregnancy labor and delivery are different and no one can actually pin point when the baby will come. But you are close... good luck :)

  6. of course it's possible. everyone is different tho. i'm 36 weeks... and 3 centimeters dilated for a week now, and i've been having pains and braxton hicks like crazy.. my doctor said he will probably come early. you should find out if the baby has dropped or not.. the pains could either be real contractions.. or you could be dehydrated. a few weeks ago, i was dehydrated and didnt even know it... they had to give me an iv of fluids and it sucked.. so drink plenty of fluids and see if it doesnt help the pains.  

  7. DEFINITLY-I had my first  when I was 38 weeks thinking I still had 2 weeks left...I was in shock but really happy!

  8. Quite literally babies can come at anytime which is why we have pre and post term babies. Your body is just getting ready for labor. I'd you have more than 6 contractions in an hour call your care provider.  

  9. Yes your baby could definitely come before her due date...however, you are pretty close to her due date anyways right? You are at full term at 37 weeks so even if she is early, she should be perfectly healthy and ready for the world.

    Best wishes and congratulations ;)

    I'm not far behind you! lol

  10. you could go 2 wks early or 2 wks late from your due date

  11. possibility, due dates are a give or take 2 week thing so somewhere around the time the Doc says but rarely on the due date

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