
Could my baby have dropped at 23 weeks?

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I am at 23w6d and this morning I started having cervical pain and contractions. It has been going on for a while now and when I turn to the side, my husband says I don't even look pregnant anymore. I don't feel like I am carrying her anymore where I used to feel like I was waddling. She feels very low and I don't feel her moving a lot. In fact, if I rub my stomach, it just feels like jelly and I don't feel a baby in there at all. I'm very worried that she might have dropped too early and it would be great if anyone could help me out.




  1. it is possible for your baby to drop some towards the middle like that. I SWEAR that my oldest dropped like 6 inches at the end of my 6th month. I worked in the drivethru at McDonald's. My belly was so high that the control box for the headset literally went under my b*****s (since I had no waist or hips). I got in the shower one morning and looked down and thought my belly was lower. When I went to work that day I put the control belt on and it rode like 6 inches lower! I was still 6 days late delivering though.

    I would call your doctor about the cervical pain and the contractions. They can put you on a monitor and see if you are having real contractions that might cause you to dialate. If this is the case they can give you meds to try and stop your contractions so you can stay pregnant longer.

  2. no one here can help you... GO TO THE HOSPITAL!  they have pretty things like ultrasound machines that can tell you this. PLUS if she is coming they have life saving machine which will help her to live.

  3. I feel the same way and I'm 20 wks myself. And I am a big girl and people have a tendency to telling me I'm just fat, and not pregnant. Even when I show the ultrasound picture they think its all a lie and stuff. Its really hard dealing with it. But its common to not feel the baby move alot until at least 25 to 28 wks. Trust me on this for I have bugged the h**l out of my dr and her nurse calling and asking the same question all the time no worries, you shouldn't really be having contractions this early into pregnancy :-/ you may want to ask your dr about that. But the cervical pressure/pain is common for I am having it myself and its the baby behind the bone causing pressure and pain on the pelvic bone. I know its hard but just try to stay positive and maybe go to your dr and ask him/her if everything is alright.

    best of luck to ya :)

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