
Could my bird be sick or did I do this?

by  |  earlier

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I have a cockatiel that only eats seed. 4 days ago I put half a grape in his bowl. He took a few licks & went back to his seed. The next morning I noticed his droppings were watery. I though maybe it was from the grape so I took it out of his bowl.. but now it's been 4 days & it's still watery. The only other change recently is I've started putting a drop of vitamins in his water bowl when I give him new water. Could one of these things be the cause of this?




  1. The grapes should not be the problem, just make sure you wash well any fruit or veggie you give your bird.  You could stop the the vitamins and the grapes just to see if it gets better on its own w/o them.  If it does, then introduce the grape again and see what happens.  If the bird has a well balanced diet it really doesn't need any vitamins.  If the stools do not get better I would take it to an Avian vet.  It is possible the bird could die from the lose stools.  Keep an eye on him/her.

  2. I've heard that vitamins can cause runny stool in birds, so stop giving him those. Fruit is great, my birds all love cantaloupe and apple, and it's also very good for them to have since an all seed diet is not recommended. If he still has runny stools in a week, I would suggest going to the vet with him.

  3. Stop the vitamins...fruit would not hurt the bird. kjl

  4. i would stop the vitamins, the grape should be fine (i often feed my 2 grapes), and if it was the grape it should have stopped in a day or so.

    if your bird is getting good quality seed, (a cockateil mix) you don't really need to  give it vitamins.

  5. yes, i agree with everyone, stop the vitamins and stop feeling guilty.

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