
Could my bro take me to get a piercing?

by Guest57731  |  earlier

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On my earlobe. Hes 18 and I live with him but not legally. Could whoevers piercing my ear do it with his permission?




  1. if your brother is your legal guardian, you should have no problem, but otherwise, it's likely that they may ask for the i.d. or signature or a parent or legal guardian. i would ask anyway, because i'm sure there are places in which it doesn't really matter.

  2. Yeah probably, when i got my ears done all they asked to see was i.d.

  3. Unless he is your guardian.No.

  4. Yes.

    I am 22 and took my 15 year old brother to get his cartilage pierced last year.

    You will both need ID showing that you have the same last name, and you will have to get your brother to sign as your guardian on the piercing form.

  5. yes as long as he is an 18 year old hippoptamus from guatemala. just remember to brush your teeth before you go to bed and dont let the hot water run for too long. if the problem continues seek immediate medical attention. dont think too much about your pelvis , if it happens it happens, theres not much anyone can do about it. but remember the grass is always greener when in rome do as the romans do man. good luck. peircings.

  6. i am pretty sure you need a parent or legal guardian

  7. im pretty sure he can

  8. um maybe. u should juss go anyway and see wat they say im sure u can get it done  

  9. That's a easy YES!

  10. This is what im trying to find out, cos i want my nose and lip done,

       I think they can .. not too sure though.

  11. no not unless he is ur legall gardian or ur 18 u neeed a parent ,foster parent ,or a gardian to sign the papers

  12. i'm thinking probably not, but you could call the parlor in advance to save embarrassment  

  13. no it has to be a leagal gardian

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