
Could my cat be pregnat?

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i think she is a bit im getting worried the reason why i think he is pregnat is becuz she has Little (spots) were i guess u could say were the baby would get the millk from it. i mean do all cats have that? or is she pregnat. i only saw one so it might of not been one of those. her is a picture of her

ps.What kind of cat is she? and she was abandon with her brothers and sisters when she was older.




  1. I am not sure what kind of cat yours is it is probably a mixed breed. Physically many cats are able to get pregnant when they are only six or seven months old. Others however are one year old when they have their first heat cycle. So it depends on your cat.

    During the first weeks of cat gestation, it's almost impossible to notice that a cat is pregnant. In general she will behave normally.

    Her nipples become pink after about three weeks. This is most visible if it's the first time the queen is pregnant. From that moment it will take six weeks before the kittens arrive.

    During pregnancy a cat will gain weight. But it lasts until the fifth week before this becomes visible.

    After six weeks her nipples will also grow considerably. From then on they are filled with milk.

    Your cat will want to eat more and more. This is good. Give her enough (her regular food mixed with kitten food), but don't overfeed her. A few days before birth, her appetite will decrease again.

    Good Luck!!!!!

  2. if she was SPAYED you would know shes not pregnant

  3. Don't worry, from the looks of the picture your kitten is too young to get pregnant. Every female gets those little "spots" on there stomache. It's part of the kitten growing up.

    As for what breed she could be. From the looks of her, she could be a Russian Blue. Also, she might be an average gray cat. When she is about 6 months old, it would be wise to get her spayed so she will not get pregnant.    

  4. She is too young to be spayed, they have to come into heat first. More than likely what you see is her nipples developing. She looks too young to have even came in the first time so there is no way she could be pregnant.

  5. well, if she isn't, take her in to be SPAYED, and she never will.

    if she is, the vet can do a spay/abort.

    either way, you have NO excuse to bring unplanned kittens into this world, because either way, the cat can be spayed...

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