
Could my cat have asma

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my cat does this cough thing and its sounds like shes choking but shes not and she does the eh noise and im worried she might have asma plz help me




  1. It could be asthma , or some kind of respiratory infection. Take her to a vet, and they can probably treat whatever it is.

  2. First of all the spelling is asthma.  Cats can indeed have asthma.  A cat having an asthma attack might start to have bluish gums.  Usually asthma has a deep moist coughing sound for cats.  If you're a smoker, this also puts your cat at risk.  Humidifiers can help moisten the air (people with asthma attacks sometimes close the bathroom door and turn on the shower for the steam).  If your cat is expiriencing this for awhile, you might want to bring her/him to a veteranarian to get him checked out and maybe medication that will help.  Hope I helped, and I hope your cat feels better.  <3

  3. of course it's not asma. sometimes a cat can act like that if it see an eerie thing.Is it yawned menacingly?

  4. It could also be a hairball that you are lucky does not come up. Cats often throw up. I used to say my one cat Oscar was bulimic because he threw up so much. My new kitty though coughs without throwing up. I attribute the difference to the difference in their hair lengths. Oscar was a very long haired kitty and my new kitty is short-haired.  I'd take your kitty to the vet to have her checked out though, just to make sure there are no problems. If money is an issue you could also get animal vet insurance. It can run as low as $13/mo, but will save money if your animal does get sick.
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