
Could my daughter be teething already?

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My daughter is almost 4 months. For the past few nights she has been really fussy before bed. You can tell she is tired but bothered at the same time so she is not able to fall asleep. She is very aggressive when taking her soother but soon spits it out. She is shoving her hands in her mouth and drooling quite a bit. I felt her gums but I don't feel anything.

Could she be teething at this age?

Could this fussiness be pain caused by teething even if I cant feel anything under her gums?

I gave her a bit of Tempra just in case and she fell asleep within 15 minutes.




  1. Every baby is different. My best friend was born with a tooth!! Just give her  teething toy to chew on. Baby tylenol will work fine too. She could be in the early stages of teething and thats why you haven't felt anything yet. Just keep an eye on her. :)

    hope she gets to feeling better!

  2. Yes she could be teething at first her gums will get swollen then the teeth begin to come out. My baby started teething at 3 months. You can get her some teething tablets at any drugstore they dissolve very quickly and she will feel much better you can give her a bit of tylenol too. not too much but what ever the doctor tells you to give her you can also ask the pharmacist how much to give her.

  3. My son is the same age and experiencing similar symptoms.  I believe our kids are teething!  Even though you cannot see or feel anything there tends to be alot of movement underneath the gums.Typical signs/symptoms increase drooling, irritability, flushed red cheeks, shoving hands into mouth and wanting to chew on anything they can get their hands onto.  I have been using panadol regularly and began using teething rings,  Teething gel can also be useful depending on the baby - my first son hated it and only took to panadol.  Using a wet washer and placing it into the fridge can help alleviate the pain also.

    Good Luck.

  4. My pediatrician told me babies can get their first teeth between 3 and 8 months. My daughter got hers when she was 5 months but showed the same signs plus she chewed on her bottle since 3 months. It probably is her gums getting ready. I tried baby orajel and it never worked. I had to give her infant tylenol and it was wonderful.

  5. Yes, it sounds just like teething!  

    My daughter started teething at 4 months, but her first tooth didn't come in until she was 7 months.  Though it wasn't like you describe all the time.  Don't worry about that.  Something to sooth her gums, especially if it's right before bed, I use hylands teething tablets or sometimes tylenol, but not often.  There can be issues using tylenol.  Pharmacist and pediatrician said there likely wouldn't be any issues using the homeopathic teething tablets.  Check with your pediatrician about an long term / frequent use.   Make sure she has plenty of things to try biting during the day in addition to her fist.  She might like a cooled teething ring or a firm plastic stroller/connector ring or some other toy, or even a cool damp baby wash cloth.

  6. yeah she's teething, try cold teething rings and bonjella or zalactin.

  7. She could be teething, absolutely.  Look for her gums being a bit puffy.  Drooling is a tell tale sign.  You won't always feel anything.  Try giving her a cold cloth to chew on.  Also, you may see a bit of white underneith her gums.  That will be her teeth getting ready to come through.  Be prepared for the to come up and down a few times before breaking through.

    My middle daughter had her first teeth at 2 1/2 months.  It's common.

    Good luck!

  8. its possible or it may be flaring up and then will go down and do this for a month maybe two until they break through.. you can try teething tablets you can get them in the infant section at walmart.. oragel (however its spelt) may also be tried to see if it eases any pain but with oragel it ceases the pain but can cause the gums to harden and when the teeth finally do try to break skin it hurts alot more.

  9. My daughter is almost 4 months as well and is going through the exact same thing.  From all the fellow parents I have talked to, this is the first signs of teething.

    The best advice I got from them was the Baby Tylenol Drops, which I think are pretty much the same thing as Tempra.

    Good luck!

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