I am sitting in the back seat of a big car with bench seats, the interior is beige if that makes a difference. Soon I realize no one is in the drivers seat and the car is basically driving itself. I try to climb into the front seat over the bench seats, and have a lot of trouble making it over. I finally do make it into the driver's seat and take the wheel, that is where the dream stops every time.
Second reoccurring dream...I am in outer space, and I am on some sort of structure, I don't know what is is, but I have to hang onto it like I am on a ledge. I need get back to where I will be safe. I can see where I want to go, but I am afraid to try to shoot myself over. I know if I push off, 0gravity of space will allow me to fly to safety, but I am afraid if I try, I will over-shoot or miss my target and be adrift in space where I will die!
I don't think I have any big stress in my life, but I am trying to quit smoking again, started smoking again after quitting for a year!