
Could my eastern box turtle be gravid?

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I just got her a couple weeks ago and ive been feeding her superworms and banana with calcium powder. Shes wild so i dont know how old she is (im keeping her till construction finishes since alot of boxies are getting killed) but shes only 3 inches long (her shell, not head or tail) and it looks like shes looking for a place to nest. Shes in a bare rubbermaid with newspaper preventing her from seeing out right now till I finish her tank. Plus its a little late in the year to lay, isnt it?




  1. No,it's not too late for them to lay eggs.I've had them lay eggs in September ,and I'm in Ohio. She does sound sort of small to be laying eggs,but you could put some sand and soil in her container for her to dig in in case she is gravid. Put in about 6 inches or so.You might also add some earthworms,crickets and a little grated carrots and apples to her diet.

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