
Could my family emmigrate to Canada?

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In Britain recently we have had a government minister from Alberta Canada telling us how wonderful life is there. Is it realy that much better than the UK? Would they accept my family, I am 58 a retired police officer and currently run a rural post office, I have only up to O level education and City and Guilds qualifications in telephony.




  1. From what i hear Canada is a marvellous place and pretty crime free. Standard of living very high and i'd personally move there tomo!! The u'k. has basically had it now and leaving here is a good move...GOOD LUCK Postie...

  2. Alberta is booming at the moment - tar sands development. is the immigration website.  Canada operates on a point system (with some allowances) and you correctly point to the potential weakness in your application for permanent residency.  Points are awarded for more education and for less age.   Go to the web site and add up the points.

    What might work better is that your kid(s) apply, get accepted and then sponsor you.

  3. of course you can, canada open door to all immigrants

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