
Could my ferret be deaf ? ?

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I have a little girl with a white blaze on her face . she acts totally normal except for the fact that she wont respond to noise at all . I have tried every test that I have found on line . What I am asking is do they have to have the other symptoms like the pez head or yelling louder than the rest (she doesn't make much noise at all ) in order to be deaf ? she has never bit either ? thanks




  1. Blaze ferrets have a tendency to be deaf, called "Waardenburg syndrome" or "Waardenburg-like coloring". It is genetic and is caused by the color of the ferret. Usually, panda, blaze, and badger ferrets are prone to this syndrome; some studies have shown that up to 70% of all blaze, panda, or badger colored ferrets are deaf. The testing you have done has shown that your ferret is probably deaf. I don't think that deaf ferrets act much different than ferrets with hearing, except for the fact that they do not react to sound. Their skulls, however, are a tiny bit flatter than other ferrets (the difference is very slight).

  2. It sounds like it. But, I guess it is okay as long as the ferret is not biting and not scared.

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