
Could my gcse results possibly be wrong?

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i haven't received my actual certificate from the examining board, its just a white piece of paper which says candidate statement of results. I'm just wondering because I'm really unhappy with them and some are hard to be live




  1. those are your results..... its not the end of the world can still repeat them or see what you can do with the ones you have ...

  2. no the one's on the sheet aren't wrong,

    but if, like you say, some are "hard to be live" (don't expect to get a high grade in english lol - "be live" is spelt believe) then maybe you could get them remarked? Ask your teachers whether its worth it - they will be able to tell you if you should have got higher.;...

    anyone bored and want to help with mine? ^^ thanks!

  3. With today's exams & pass rates, you should question them - it seems that you can pass any exam simply by turning up, so there must be a mistake.

  4. To be honest, GCSE's are so pointless even though they may seem very important to you. Your teachers bang into you how important they are and how serious they are; the truth is they bare no significance to the rest of your life. Trust me a few years down the line you wont even remember what you got in the first place (i know i don't!) My advice to you is to get yourself to the next stage - A-levels. Thats the whole point of GCSE's anyway , and even if you did'nt qualify for A-levels with your results then just re-sit the GCSE's you failed. It's no big deal. How do they expect 16 year olds to sit 9, 10, 11 GCSE's anyway! It's torture and destroys the very escense of a kids life. My advice to you is if you can get on to do your A-levels with your results now , s***w your GCSE's. If not then you can do some A-leves and some GCSE resits at the same time. Speak to your teachers, Either way - you win. Best of Luck    

  5. well considering the fact that you cannot spell believe, i'm sure whatever you got for english was well deserved.

  6. You won't get your certificate til later in the year... you must just be thick... start believing it!

  7. probably not, though I don't understand why you havent got your actual certificate? I got mine on the 21st. Go to your school and ask for your actual certificate, if not, pay a fee to have your exams re-marked.  

  8. Yes they could be wrong, I have had errors in the past as a teacher. However it is extremely unlikely that they are all wrong. I would contact your teachers as a first port of call.

  9. We're in the same position with one of my daughters a levels.

    You can pay a fee and have the papers back for examination - its about £15 per paper.

    You can pay a fee and have it all added up again.

    You can pay a fee and have it all checked and added up again and a copy sent to you.

    Ask an independent source to mark the paper for you and see what the difference is.

    We are having that done by an exam centre for my daughter.

    Mistakes can be made so until you try you dont know.

  10. That's all you get to start off with. Speak to your teachers, they should have a good idea of what they expected from you and if they really are way out, they can ask for your papers to be checked again. Problem is, a marking error on one paper is not uncommon, but if it's over several subjects the odds are much lower of them all being marking errors.

  11. They may be wrong but its very unlikely they are. They check them at least four times. By hand and computer. If you are unhappy with them you can always retake them.

  12. they could be or they could be wrong

    i did once do a gcse and got marked to a D

    i was very angry and found out when going through the test in my class that whoever marked my exam got it wrong

    i was pleased when the actual result was a B

    when u return to school ask you teacher of that subject for there help :)

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