
Could my hamster be killing her babies?

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My hamster is heavily pregnant, she's meant to be having her babies today, but throughout the pregnancy she hasn't stopped being really active. She's still been climbing on the ceilings and also the falling off that comes with the climbing. Could this have killed the babies?




  1. Hamsters do know their pregnant, all animals do just like humans. But if she does kill the babies in the womb it doesn't really matter because once they are born she'll probally eat most of them anyway.

  2. Hamsters have more energy then they know what to do with and will remain as active as ever right up until they give birth. And don't worry, a hamster eating her babies is not as common as people would lead you to believe.

    *Hamsters do know when they are pregnant, just like any other animal, including humans.

  3. No, it's probably her first time getting pregnant and she's excited.. one of my hamsters has just given birth to 13 tiny babies, unfortunately one of them died. This is her second pregnancy i remember she also did the things your hamster is doing, being pro-active! but this time she was more mature and ready for her labor, and don't worry, she hasn't killed her babies.

  4. No, normally they know that their pregnant she is probably not quite ready to give birth yet! when shes ready she might calm down!, otherwise one night she might just find a cosy spot and give birth! As alot of rodents/rabbits give birth at night. Hope it  goes well!! :)

  5. Hamsters, like all creatures, are fully aware that they are pregnant, I have bred all type of hamsters and they all stay active, they just get fatter and their nipples get bigger, falling will not hurt the babies if its a regular hamster cage, not like a three story hamster cage, all of my hasmters had had safe normal pregnancies, hope this helps msg me for more infor

  6. she is making a hiding place for the babies prolly. trying to keep her babies safe, right?

  7. Maybe it depends on how far she fell.

  8. well hamsters don't know any better. They really can't tell that they are pregnant until they actually have the babies.. and in most cases your hamster will eat all of her babies.. this is what happened to my hamster. After she had the babies she ate them all. we had to separate our hamsters because we thought they were both females but they obviously weren't

  9. dont listen to some of these people. not all hamsters eat  there babies. my jellybean had a litter of 13 and was a great mom and none died. they all lived til i got rid of them to a petstore.and also my hamster gave birth through the day,they cant help when they go in labour so how can anyone say they mostly give birth at night??no matter how active she is, she will give birth when it is time. remember after she gives birth DO NOT touch the babies or clean the cage or disturb the mothers surroundings for at least 2 weeks.when the mother gets scared she will put the pups in her mouth pouch to protect which could end  up with her suffocting them by accident, so its very important that she be stress free .the only time you shoudl disturb her is to give her food and water.she will be fine.hamsters can be as active as they like and it wont kill the babies, unless she has sustained a serious fall maybe, like from your hands to the floor. falling from the top of the cage will be fine,she likely landed on her feet anyway. dont worry. she is fine im sure.

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