
Could my mom have a concussion?

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Yesterday my mom hit her head on a ladder. She seemed okay yesterday, but today she is feeling really sick. Her head doesn't feel right and she is groggy. Could she have a concussion a day later? And what should I do?




  1. Please take her to a doctor  

  2. yes it could show up a day or a few days later. you need to drive her to the hospital, or have someone else drive just do NOT let her drive. and do it soon : /

  3. check for bumps or sores on head and give some aspirin or excedrin or tylenol and if nothing helps schedule a doc. appointment, but if u don't want to then go to ER. It could just be lots of bruises and head aces. I get head aces just thinking about or sleeping a bad way or to much tv, computer, games, and anything with a screen with lights. lol

  4. Yes she could have a concussion. read the information below. Dont worry too much unless her symtoms persist like the article states.

    then she should see a doctor.  


    The signs and symptoms of a concussion can be subtle and may not appear immediately. Symptoms can last for days, weeks or longer.

    The two most common concussion symptoms are confusion and amnesia. The amnesia, which may or may not be preceded by a loss of consciousness, almost always involves the loss of memory of the impact that caused the concussion.

    Other immediate signs and symptoms of a concussion may include:



    Ringing in the ears

    Nausea or vomiting

    Slurred speech

    Some symptoms of concussions don't appear until hours or days later. They include:

    Mood and cognitive disturbances

    Sensitivity to light and noise

    Sleep disturbances


    When to seek medical advice

    While most concussions get better on their own, some blows to the head can cause more serious injuries. You should seek medical advice if you have any of the following symptoms:

    Prolonged headache or dizziness

    Vision disturbances

    Nausea or vomiting

    Impaired balance

    Prolonged memory loss

    Ringing in the ears

    Loss of smell or taste

    Any child who has lost consciousness after a blow to the head should be seen by a doctor. Other warning signs of a potentially serious injury include persistent vomiting, seizures or a large bruise on the scalp. In general, a bruise on the front of the head is less dangerous than one on the side or back of the head.

  5. if she feels nauscious, has severe swelling or feels grouchy and has problems wit simple body movements she probably has a concussion. the truth is, you can never know yourself if you are not a doctor.always go to the hospital if injuries seem serious.

  6. No, probably not a concussion from hitting her head on a ladder.  She would have to hit her head really hard to get a concussion.  If you are really worried, tell her to go to the ER.  

  7. O.M.G. Yes she could. Take her to a hospital. They will do a C.T. scan. She may have a subdural hematoma. She could be having some bleeding on her brain. Stay calm and take her, now.

  8. She has a concussion. Take her to the doctor!

  9. call the doctor immediately, your mum has concussion!

  10. I think if you get a concussion it happens right away, 'cause they tell you not to sleep. Maybe it's just a headache? You should call your doctor and ask them for advice.

  11. Head injury is nothing to guess about.  She could have just a concussion, or it could be more serious.

    She needs tested MRI and maybe a Cat scan.

    Is her memory messed up today?

    Are her pupils different, one larger?

    Is she dizzy?

  12. It sounds to me like she as a mild concussion.

    She should see a doctor to assure there is no bleeding inside the brain.

    Keep her resting, but if it gets worse she needs to go into the hospital ASAP. If she passes out, call 911.  

  13. She should definitely see a doctor immediately.  The signs of a serious head injury include the following:



    -"drunken" feeling


    -dialated eyes

  14. I am 100 percent sure you should take here to a doctor ASAP If she hit It hard enough then yes and it could cause brain damage.  

  15. When I was getting certified as a trauma nurse we had a special class held by the head of neurology of a large medical center. I'm going to paraphrase here but basically what he said was that if you hit your head hard enough to "see stars" you have technically killed some brain cells and have the minimum of a concussion.

    It just goes up on the scale from there. Can symptoms of a head injury show a day later? You bet they can. So the Emergency Dept answer to your question is this.

    If you feel badly after a trauma you should probably consider getting seen by someone. The only way we will know for sure right now if she has a bigger problem is to get a CT or MR scan of her head and look for injury.

    Does she have a bleed or something going on it her head? It's doubtful, erspecially if she didn't get knocked out or doesn't have some underlying disease state that would weaken her condition. An alteration in a patient's normal mental status is one of the big things we look at/for in the hospital.

    But as they say, Better to be safer than sorry.  

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