I have been observing certain symptoms of hers lately, and it struck a cord with me. I recently took a psychology class, and we learned a bit about mental retardation and autism. I was comparing some of her characteristics to those of the mentally handicapped, and I believed that she is very mildly mentally retarded, or at least borderline retarded. She seems to be stuck at the ~13-14 year old mental capacity. My grandparents helped in raising me, so that eliminates the argument of "if she was retarded, how could she raise you?". Her symptoms include:
- Slightly impaired motor function (hands move in an odd manner, stumbles when she walks, often prefers to walk on tip-toes, etc.)
- socially inadequate
- mumbles to herself
- very moody
- gets frustrated when she can't perform simple tasks
- cannot cook
- hoards items that she thinks are "special or interesting"
- does not have a solid grasp of moderate to advanced English language skills
Do you think that she might be mildly mentally retarded? I gave her an online IQ test -- which I know isn't accurate, but I have had my IQ professionally tested and the online one came within 5 points -- and it placed her at a 73, which is borderline retarded.
Thanks, I'll pick a best answer TODAY!