
Could my niece be "gifted" or "bright"?

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I've been doing some independent research on the internet but I think that the lines are a bit blurred. She seems to be a bit of both, actually.

She's still quite young...she's only four years old but she's reading and teaching herself her own version of cursive writing as she's gotten a hang of the print they're teaching. She's fascinated with the planets and has requested a dictionary of planet names as well as a book of dinosaurs (she's read a little about the Big Bang and the creatures the inhabited the earth previous to) and is interested in that. She's already built a model of the solar system (with the help of her parents-she can't yet glue things on properly!) which I have sitting on my desk, as bulky as it may be, lol.

She's very talkative one-on-one, but quiet in a group of kids her own age. I think she's grade-level in mathematics, however.

Anyway, what's the difference between "gifted", "bright", and "talented"..and could my niece be either/or?




  1. Your neice is indeed intellectual and gifted in a way that most kids aren't. She likes, education, which makes her want to learn more. THis is concluding to her getting more knowledgeble and being bright. she is gifted with this wanting to learn. A gifted child means they are given somehting that thye dont have to try hard to acheive, bright is when they have a lot of knowlledge they gain from themselves(your neice) and talented is when they have a skill in one specific area.

  2. She might be you could suggest to her parents that they get her tested.

    Am I right in thinking that "printing time" is writing time. If so then she probably needs someone to explain to her that writing time and reading time are two different things.

    Even if she has already mastered print it can't hurt to keep practising or maybe her parents could ask the teacher to help her with her cursive writing or turn it into a story writing time so she's not just practiceing her print.

  3. no she is mentally ill

  4. this is all three especially...... bright  [smart] talented very good at somthing, gifted....... [beyond smart,um almost as if a 'gift' was given to her]

  5. She sounds just like my niece did at that age.  She is now finishing her PhD in Forensic Science at Columbia U, and she's not even 25 yet!  Get ready for a great ride.  P.S. My sister and brother-in-law refused to advance her, though time again it was requested by the schools she went to.  Their reasoning was that she may have all the smarts in the world, she was still physically and emotionally a child or a teen and they feared that advancing her would make her feel "different" ( more than she already was)

    Be proud, be very proud! I am :)

  6. Gifted is someone with an IQ over 130 used to be 145.  Bright is right below it and above average.  Average is 85-115.  Bright 115-130.  Talented is not a term associated with intelligence test scores

  7. Bright=Smart  

    Talented=Being really good at a particular activity--sports,  

                     music, art, etc., either naturally or after the skill is

                     taught, learned, and practiced.

    Gifted=A combination of several factors, among which are:

    IQ; emotional maturity; self-expression; social interaction; intellectual level/ability; imagination and creativity, e.g. "thinking outside the box"

    Your niece definitely sounds bright, and it remains to be seen whether she'll turn out to be talented and/or gifted.  It certainly sounds like she's shaping up to be something very special, though.  You must be so proud.  She'll a teacher's dream... or their worst nightmare, depending on the teacher. ;-)

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