
Could my tilted uturus be the reason why my hubby & I haven't gotten pregnant yet?

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My husband & I have been TTC for 7 months now, could the fact that my titled uturus be the reason why we have yet to concieve, given the fact that I have a 7 yr old son from previous relationship , and because of difficult labor I had with my son , and my son's head was just too big to pass through naturally , had to have a C section . Since the birth of my son my cervix are now crooked, as well as my uturus is tilted so could the cooked cervix and tilted uturus be the reason why I'm not pregnant yet , even tho hubby and i are doing the BD on the days we should , and even on the days that we're not fertile.




  1. i have a tilted uterus also and this was a question i asked my doc. he said no a tilted uterus will not decrease you chances but to maximize them with it use a pillow under your bottom when you hubby ejaculates so that its like they have to run down and stay like that for at least 15 min try not to go to the toilet for at least half an hour to ensure that the sperm has a better chance for possible conception. good luck xoxoxo

  2. The only thing I can say is maybe ask your DR. They would know for sure. I wish you the best of luck TTC. Baby dust to you and everyone else!!  

  3. No about 20% of the female population suffer the same problem.  It does not impact on fertility.

  4. Absolutley not. My uterus is tilted back, and I am extremely fertile!!

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