
Could my toddler have gotten sick from this?

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Today was relatively cool outside, around 75. This morning we took my 18 month old to my mother's house and he went into the backyard and he jumped into the really tiny kiddie pool she had in her back yard. My brother then joined him and they played in the water for about 40 minutes. It started cooling off so we took him inside and got him dressed. During their time in the water the temperature would fluxuate and there was a slight breeze. When we took him in he was really cold and we got him dressed and wrapped him in a blanket. He warmed up and had some pasta for lunch and took a short nap Afterwards when he woke up he was quiet and started getting warm. Within a few hours he was coughing, had a runny nose and watery eyes. The coughing sounds bad and like he is really congested in his chest and now he has developed a fever (101.5 so far). Could playing in the water have made him sick, or is it just a coincidence and he's just got a cold?




  1. Very unlikely that playing in the water for that short time and at that temperature made him sick.  There is almost nothing other than food poisoning that works that fast.  Even if he got a slight chill he warmed up, ate and took a nap all very normal for a child his age.  He likely has a virus cold that has been incubating anywhere from a week to 10 days.  But I hope you are reading this after you come home from walk in care or an emergency trip to the pediatrician for a check up to make sure there is nothing more than an ordinary cold going on.  Luck!

  2. yes, the cold and being in the water weakened his immunes system and a germ/bacteria obviously got into his body making him sick. go to the doctors and get some anti-biotics to relieve his symptoms. get better! :)

  3. if he's only 18months old and his fever is 103 i would take him to the er or the dr.  my 4 yr old had bronchitis about 3 months ago and is temp went from 103 to 104 to 105.  i took him 2 the er and they wanted to keep him overnight and observe him but, i said no.  then i called my brother in law who was a medic in the army and he told me what 2 do.  i would take him cuz u don't want it to get worse than what it is.  

    good luck

  4. typically this situation would not trigger such a drastic change in his health... I agree with the others about him having a cold virus just now appearing....But taking him to a Doctor is a very wise idea. The temp alone is a good indication that he need medical attention.  Hope he feels better soon.

  5. Many studies have shown that cold temperatures do not make you sick and do not lower your resistance.  If anything cold raises resistance.

    Only germs make you sick.

  6. no. a child being in cold weather or playing in cold water won't make him sick unless there is something in the water. being in the cold COULD lower his immune system, how significantly? i don't know....but probably not enough to immediately make him sick with a fever. its probably a cold...most illnesses take a few days to a week or so to incubate and actually start showing symptoms of having caught the bug.

  7. do u think it might be a cold?Cuz u said that it got chilly, and maybe he was starting to get a cold before the pool.I would give him some childrens tylenol and put him to sleep and don't let him get dehidraeted.I would also call his doctor or Peditrion.      good luck!!

  8. He was probably sick before, its just a coincides

  9. Playing in the water had nothing to do with him getting sick, that was due to a virus.  I would say that your baby was probably harboring the virus for a little while, since they do live for a certain amount of time before the can attack.  I certainly do not think you did anything wrong.  The only way playing in the water could have made him sick is if the water had a bug in it, a virus or something.  But, the change in weather could have kicked it in IF he had been harboring a nasty germ before then.  As long as the fever is going down by using Motrin (which can be alternated with Tylenol for maximum effect) and there is no signs of infection, I would wait it out.  Let the virus run its course.  BUT if the fever does not get any better, and your baby cries non-stop, does not eat, or drink, and you think he could be getting dehydrated, take him to the doctor or ER ASAP.  I hope your little guy gets better, and I hope this info helps.

  10. I don't know if the congestion in his chest would have happened that quickly.  Usually that comes from a couple of days of a runny nose, sneezing, etc.  It could be a coincidence.

  11. yes check for lumonia asap go to doc now

  12. i would take him to the doctor now, he has a very high temp, otherwise call the triage nurse at your local hospital. Its not healthy to have a little boy in a cold water pool.. We learn from experiance i guess./

  13. probably the weather

    it is not good 2 let a kid so young to play in water in conditions like this

  14. Here's what my wife and I think: 40 minutes in cool water on a mild day may have brought your child's body tempature down. This may have made it more difficult for his or her system to fight a bug that was probably already brewing.

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